【类 型】:剧情 喜剧
【影片长度】: 平均45分钟
经红遍南北美的哥伦比亚都市喜剧、America Ferrera主演的《丑女贝蒂》经过美国ABC电视台改编,一经播出就收视傲人,还获得了美国第八届家庭电视剧奖(Family TelevisionAwards)最佳新剧奖,以及提名第64届金球奖电视组别喜剧连续剧组最佳女主角及最佳电视剧集,可谓好评如潮。
在高级时装界,想象力就是一切。时装的款式总是昙花一现,唯一不变的就是穿着它们的窈窕美人。如果一个女孩子长得不好看,而且身材还有些臃肿,可以做一名时装模特吗?如果你愿意花点时间了解Betty Suarez,你会发现她其实是一位可爱、冰雪聪明并且勤奋工作的女孩……但却没人在乎她,因为在时尚世界里,Betty太胖了,根本不适合乾这一行。
出版业大亨Bradford Meade准备将他旗下最负盛名的时装杂志《Mode》交给儿子Daniel打理,他特别雇用了Betty作为儿子的新助手。理由很简单:也许Betty 是全纽约市Daniel最不愿与之上床的女人。一开始,Daniel勉为其难地接受了Betty,但Betty永不言败的精神和灵光频现的才智最终赢得了他的青睐和信任。这两个人其实对时装界的里里外外全都一窍不通,但他们决定联起手来,做出点成绩来回应那些想看他们笑话的人。
Betty Suarez has always had one goal in life: to make it into the fashion industry. Despite being smart, hard-working, and productive, her dream has always been shadowed by the fact that she isn't the best looking young woman. However, she is now determined to do whatever it takes to fulfill that ultimate dream.
UGLY BETTY stars America Ferrera in the title role. The show is based on the wildly popular Colombian telenovela which has already been successfully translated in Mexico, India, Russia, and Germany - all to stellar ratings.