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英文片名 | The Unquenchable Thirst for Beau Nerjoose | |
中文片名 | (2016) | |
类型 | 冒险, 喜剧, 音乐剧 | |
地区 | 美国 | |
文件大小 | 22.31 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p | |
文件格式 | BDMV/AVC | |
音轨 | 英语 AC3 5.1 | |
字幕 | 英文 | |
IMDB评分 | 5.1 | |
![]() Title: The Unquenchable Thirst for Beau Nerjoose Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Musical Date Published: July 30, 2016 (United States) IMDB Rating: 5.1/10 IMDB Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3380800/ Directors: Johnny Buell Creators: Johnny Buell, Zach Carter Actors: Quinn Allan, Richard Bain, Jacob Bean-Watson, Teresa Boyd, John Branch, Johnny Buell, Zach Carter, Douglas DaSilva Introduction This absurd tale follows an apathetic man-child, Ron, on a journey to restore the spirit of his catatonic mother. Meeting friends along the way, this ridiculous, drug-filled musical expedition uncovers not only the secrets behind his mother's current state, but a mystery surrounding the purpose of the Universe. Ron must use this knowledge to not only save his mother, but also help his new space-nun friends and defeat the ultimate cause of his consternation: Dr. Beau Nerjoose. Also, Ron has a talking alien worm living in his butthole. 这个荒诞的故事讲述了一个冷漠的男孩子罗恩为恢复精神错乱的母亲的精神而踏上的旅程。 罗恩在旅途中结识了许多朋友,这次荒诞的、充满毒品的音乐探险不仅揭开了他母亲目前状态背后的秘密,还揭开了宇宙存在的意义之谜。 罗恩必须利用这些知识,不仅要拯救他的母亲,还要帮助他的新太空修女朋友们,打败造成他不安的最终原因: 波-内尔霍斯博士。 此外,罗恩的屁眼里还住着一只会说话的外星蠕虫。(机翻) |