The Rolling Stones: Some Girls - Live in Texas
一旦让我开始 我将无法停止 | 滚石乐队介绍
不知道该如何确切的形容这支乐队:他们的队名来源于布鲁斯前辈大师Muddy Waters的歌曲《Rollin' Stone》;自1962年首次登台以来,直至今天依然活跃于摇滚乐的舞台上;按照评论界比较流行的说法,这是“世界上最伟大的摇滚乐队”!——当然,他们自己也是这么认为。在流行音乐将近半个世纪的风云变化中,滚石乐队一直坚持着自己独特的摇滚姿态,他们从来没有脱离已然渗入骨髓的布鲁斯基调,在与此相关的艺术领域,也取得了显著的成就。这些都值得我们推崇,并且尊重。
Some Girls (1978)
处于重重矛盾中的滚石乐队的一张出乎许多人意料的专辑,1977年2月,乐队两大核心之一Keith Richards因携带毒品被逮捕,乐队处在崩溃边缘。然而就在1978年,他们发行了这张融合了朋克,新浪潮和disco等风格的《 Some Girls》.《Some Girls》和专辑中的主打单曲《Miss You》均使乐队再夺排行榜的冠军。
据悉,新版的《Some Girls》经过重新缩混,提供电子版、豪华版以及超级豪华版,新版唱片中包含了滚石乐队在录制《Some Girls》从未面市的照片。超级豪华版唱片中还包括一首《Beast Of Burden》原单曲的黑胶唱片。
Year: 1978
Genre: Rock
Ripped my U.S. Eagle Rock Retail with DVDFab
The Rolling Stones 1978 tour of the USA in support of that year's Some Girls album is considered by fans to be one of their very best. The tour followed immediately on the release of the Some Girls album and by the time the band arrived in Texas in mid-July the album had hit the No.1 spot on the US charts. The tour took a back to basics approach, with the band and their music very much at the forefront and little or no elaborate staging. Filmed at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas, on July 18th, 1978, this concert is typical of the tour with the Rolling Stones delivering a raw, energetic performance in front of a crowd who are clearly loving the show. Many of the tracks from Some Girls are included in the live set with a sprinkling of Stones classics from earlier albums. Originally shot on 16mm film, the footage has been carefully restored and the sound remixed and remastered by Bob Clearmountain from the original multitrack tapes. This is undeniably the Rolling Stones at the peak of their form.
01. Let It Rock
02. All Down The Line
03. Honky Tonk Women
04. Star Star
05. When The Whip Comes Down
06. Beast Of Burden
07. Miss You
08. Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)
09. Shattered
10. Respectable
11. Far Away Eyes
12. Love In Vain
13. Tumbling Dice
14. Happy
15. Sweet Little Sixteen
16. Brown Sugar
17. Jumpin’ Jack Flash
Production: US | Eagle Rock Entertainment
Runtime: 01:25:10