孤高的德意志美旋律王者!闯荡江湖近半个世纪,从早期与兄长Rudolf Schenker共创Scorpions开始,到了成名关键性的UFO,以及单飞自组的MSG,都是以一把招牌Flying V,成功征服全球无数的摇滚信徒!
尽管身楚于今非昔比的当代乐坛,Michael Schenker依旧散发无法取代的迷人风范。为纪念MSG成军30周年,找回老搭档Gary Barden特别企划推出2010年在日本演唱会的实况精选双CD,历年金曲"Cry for the Nation"、"Armed and Ready"、"Are You Ready to Rock"、"Rock My Nights Away"、"Doctor, Doctor"无缺席全部到位,不仅让老乐迷重新找回80年代那纯粹的感动回忆,更代表着MSG永远不灭的强力宣言!
The Michael Schenker Group: The 30th Anniversary Concert - Live in Tokyo
Year: 2010
Genre: Hard Rock
Cast: Michael Schenker (Lead Guitar, Vocals), Gary Barden (Lead Vocals), Neil Murray (Bass Guitar), Wayne Findlay (Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals), Simon Phillips (Drums)
MSG is usually thought of as that stuff you don't want in your Chinese food. But for a certain segment of the hard rock, head banging population, MSG has stood for only one thing for well over 30 years: The Michael Schenker Group. Though Schenker's reputation may not have permeated the sometimes chauvinistic consciousness of the American rock fan, in Europe, and especially his native Germany, he is an iconic figure, one of the founding members of Scorpions (though he left the group prior to its biggest U.S. hit, "Rock You Like a Hurricane"), who went on to great acclaim leading his own group. Schenker plays an equally iconic V-shaped guitar, and though the rocker is well into his 50s by this time, he proves in this 2010 concert from Tokyo that he and his band still have the heavy metal goods as they shred through a number of well known MSG tunes from the past several decades.
01. Welcome Howl
02. Feels Like A Good Thing
03. Cry For The Nations
04. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
05. Armed And Ready
06. Victim Of Illusion
07. Are You Ready To Rock
08. I Want You
09. A Night To Remember
10. Into The Arena
11. Lost Horizons
12. Rock My Nights Away
13. On And On
14. Attack Of The Mad Axeman
15. Ride On My Way
16. Rock Bottom
17. Dance Lady Gipsy
18. Doctor, Doctor
Production: USA | in-akustik
Runtime: 01:44:24