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英文片名The Enid: The Bridge Show - Live at Union Chapel
中文片名演唱会 (2015) 
文件大小 19.53 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 英语 AC3 5.1
字幕 无字幕

Title: The Enid: The Bridge Show - Live at Union Chapel
Released: 2015
Genre: Rock, Prog Rock, Symphonic Prog
Artist: Robert John Godfrey - keyboards, vocals; Dave Storey - drums, percussion; Max Read - guitars, bass; Jason Ducker - guitars; Joe Payne - vocals; Dominic Tofield - drums, percussion, bass


In this High Definition experience, 26 year old front man JOE PAYNE proves beyond reasonable doubt that he deserved his 2014 title of Best Male Vocalist in Prog.The star singer shows off his impressive 5 octave range a range only previously matched by Axel Rose and a young Mariah Carey.Joe Payne succeeds where other singers have failed in his attempt to seek the ultimate classical crossover voice.Payne has been taught Opera by globally recognised vocal coach Paul Farrington, known for his work with The Royal Opera House, The Royal Academy of Music and ground breaking studies into the science of singing.With Farrington's help, Payne has designed a vocal style unique to him.The dynamic range takes his voice from a whisper to a shout, with the intimacy and soulfulness of a rock vocal and the support and certainty of an opera singer.

THE BRIDGE SHOW was conceived to showcase new music from THE BRIDGE Album and used music from The Enid's extensive back catalogue to create a seamless story.In a press statement leading up to this tour, Joe Payne explained: It must tell a story.The show must run seamlessly if a song does not fit the overall concept, it simply will not make the cut.There will certainly be pieces from across our back catalogue, but art must trump nostalgia.These shows will be our most ambitious since the Salome Ballet in the 1980s.

THE BRIDGE SHOW showcases THE ENID as they are now, distancing themselves from all preconceptions relating to their history as an instrumental entity.In fact, there is only one instrumental piece performed in the entire two act show Judgement Day from debut album In the Region of the Summer Stars.Set in the fictional world of ENILAND, the show opens with the fictional character QUEEN ENID addressing the audience with a speech entitled ENILAND CAN TAKE IT.The performance continues to use videos throughout the show to pose cynical questions about the strengths and dangers of nationalism, capitalism, entitlement, smoke-screen government projects, free-press, propaganda and self-sacrifice.The Enid's band members go into more detail about the concept, and answer other questions about the current line up in the extended interview.

  ACT 1:
1. Land of Hope and Glory "Eniland Can Take It"
2. One and the Many
3. "Welcome to Eniland"
4. Terra Firma
5. Earthborn
6. Witch Hunt
7. "Project Mars"
8. My Gravity-Malacandra
9. Dark Hydraulic "Common Enemy"
  ACT 2:
1. Wings
2. "A Sickness of the Mind"
3. Something Wicked This Way Comes
4. Leviticus
5. Someone Shall Rise
6 Judgement Day
7. Shiva
8. Encore

Issued: United Kingdom | Operation Seraphim
Duration: 3:27:00