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英文片名The Cynic, the Rat and the Fist
原始片名Il cinico, l'infame, il violento
中文片名犬儒,鼠辈,暴徒 (1977) 
类型动作, 犯罪, 惊悚
文件大小 32.15 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 英语 LPCM 2.0
意大利语 LPCM 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 犬儒,鼠辈,暴徒 / The Cynic, the Rat & the Fist / The Cynic, the Rat and the Fist
◎片  名 Il cinico, l'infame, il violento
◎年  代 1977
◎产  地 意大利
◎类  别 惊悚
◎语  言 意大利语
◎上映日期 1977
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3862208/
◎片  长 100 分钟
◎导  演 翁贝托·伦齐 / Umberto Lenzi
◎演  员 毛里齐奥·梅里 / Maurizio Merli
      加布里埃拉·乔尔杰利 / Gabriella Giorgelli
      托马斯·米连 / Tomas Milian
      Claudio Nicastro Claudio Nicastro
      詹尼·穆西 / Gianni Musy
      伦佐·帕尔梅 / Renzo Palmer
      Piero Tiberi Piero Tiberi
      马西莫·博内蒂 / Massimo Bonetti
      罗伯特·肯达尔 / Robert Hundar
      吉安菲利波·卡尔卡诺 / Gianfilippo Carcano
      里卡尔多·加罗内 / Riccardo Garrone
      Ermelinda De Felice Ermelinda De Felice
      Marco Guglielmi Marco Guglielmi
      约翰·萨克松 / John Saxon
      恩尼奥·安东内利 / Ennio Antonelli
      圭多·阿尔贝蒂 / Guido Alberti
      罗萨里奥·博雷利 / Rosario Borelli
      塞尔瓦托雷·比拉 / Salvatore Billa
      欧米洛·康帕纳 / Omero Capanna
      布鲁诺·科拉扎里 / Bruno Corazzari
      迈克尔·福瑞斯特 / Michael Forest
      布丽吉特·彼得罗尼奥 / Brigitte Petronio
◎编  剧 翁贝托·伦齐 / Umberto Lenzi
      索罗·斯卡沃里尼 / Sauro Scavolini
      达尔达诺·萨凯蒂 / Dardano Sacchetti
◎制  片  人 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺 / Luciano Martino
◎音  乐 Franco Micalizzi Franco Micalizzi
◎摄  影 Federico Zanni Federico Zanni

◎简  介 

  The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist clearly takes influence regarding it's central theme from the Sergio Leone masterpiece 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly', and here we follow the fortunes of three strong male characters as their lives intertwine in the name of crime. Director Umberto Lenzi plied his trade in a number of Italy's most popular genres, and his resume includes the likes of zombies, cannibals and Giallo; but the only field he's a master in is the Dirty Harry inspired sub-genre, 'Polizia'. This is only my third Lenzi crime flick, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's one of the best he ever made, as the masterpiece 'Almost Human' only just edges it out. Umberto Lenzi packs his film with all the things you'd expect from the crime genre; with things such as shootouts, car chases and sadism featuring strongly. The actual plot is a little convoluted, and follows Italian mob boss 'The Chinaman', as he hooks up with New York crime lord Frank Di Maggio. The cop looking to take the pair of them down is Leonardo Tanzi, a man not afraid to break the law in order to bring in his man.
  Exactly which of the title monikers apply to which of the three characters is never really explained; although personally, I wager that Tomas Milian's Chinaman is 'The Cynic', John Saxon's mob boss is 'The Rat' and Maurizio Merli violent copper is the aptly named 'The Fist'. One of the film's strongest elements is undoubtedly the cast list, as the central trio of characters are brought to life by three of cult cinema's best actors. Tomas Milian certainly knows his way around a sadistic part, while the underrated (and sadly here underused) John Saxon's resume speaks for itself. Maurizio Merli is perhaps the least accredited member of the cast, but lead roles in this and Lenzi's Violent Naples certainly shows that the man can play the gritty copper. The plot flows very well, and Lenzi's direction continually impresses. It can be a little hard to follow at times, but there's always enough shooting and murders to keep genre fans happy. The ending is a major strongpoint too, as Lenzi spends the entire film building up to a showdown, and when it hits; it doesn't disappoint. Overall, this is a first class example of the Italian crime thriller and comes highly recommended.