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英文片名Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty
中文片名芭蕾舞剧:睡美人 (2009) 
文件大小 40.43 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 LPCM 5.1
字幕 无字幕


The classic 1946 Royal Ballet version of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece is presented in high definition for the first time

Title: PI Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty
Original title: Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty
Released: 2006
Genre: Ballet
Conductor: Valeriy Ovsyanikov
Cast:: Alina Cojocaru (Princess Aurora), Federico Bonelli (Prince Florimund), Christopher Saunders (King Florestan XXIV), Elizabeth McGorian (His Queen), Alastair Marriott (Cattalabutte), Marianela Nuñez (Lilac Fairy), The Royal Ballet, The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House

Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty is one of the best loved of classical ballets, combining in a single work all the enchantment and virtuosity that ballet has to offer. The royal court, the panoramic journey of the Prince to the overgrown castle, and the great celebratory dances of the happy ending (in which other famous fairytale figures appear) are all brought to life by the luscious designs of this celebrated production, created in 1946 for The Royal Ballet. The inspired performances of its revival for the 75th anniversary of the Company in 2006, together with a magnificent High Definition recording, make this a superb tribute to The Royal Ballet's unique style and visual splendour.

Issued: United States | Opus Arte
Length: 2:12:27