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英文片名 | Sound Horizon - Ema ni Negai wo! (Full Edition) | |
原始片名 | Sound Horizon - 『絵馬に願ひを!』(Full Edition) | |
中文片名 | (2023) | |
类型 | 音乐 | |
地区 | 日本 | |
文件大小 | 43.20 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p | |
文件格式 | ISO/AVC | |
音轨 | 日语 LPCM 2.0 | |
字幕 | 无字幕 | |
![]() Sound Horizon 7.5th or 8.5th Story BD 『絵馬に願ひを!』(Full Edition) Sound Horizon's long-awaited new Blu-ray release features a "mechanism that allows listeners to select a story" that could not be realized on CD. The story takes place in a world much like modern Japan. The story unfolds as people make wishes on ema at the "Rouran Shrine," which suddenly appeared in a certain town and is rumored to be of tremendous benefit to people. The listener becomes the "Okami" of the shrine, and the story will change by "choosing the interpretation" written on the two stone monuments that appear repeatedly throughout the work, and the music and characters will change as well. We invite you to experience for yourself how the ending of the story will change depending on your "choice of interpretation" in this one-of-a-kind work. Tracklist The songs change depending on what choice you make in between songs. There is also a level of chance with which songs you get. The 6th song is determined by the choice made in the 3rd song. Left Visit (Left Path) 1. 星空へと続く坂道 2. 狼欒神社 3. 夜の因業が見せた夢 4. 贖罪と《焔》の息吹 [Left Choice] / 暗闇を照らすヒカリ [Right Choice] 5. 私の生まれた《地平線》 [31% Chance] / 恋では花を散らせない [31% Chance] / 生きているのはボクだけなんだろ? [16% Chance] / 生と死の遊戯盤 [16% Chance] / Various Monologues [0.5-2% Chance for each of 7 Monologues] 6. 恋は果てまで止まらない [Left Choice] / 西風のように駆け抜けろッ! [Right Choice] 7 after 恋は果てまで止まらない. 夜を駆ける二人 [Left Choice] / 夜を滑る二人 [Right Choice] 7 after 西風のように駆け抜けろッ!. 生という名の罪過 [Left Choice] / 死を廻る刻の記憶 [Right Choice] 8. 私の生まれた《地平線》[30% Chance] / 恋では花を散らせない [30% Chance] / 生きているのはボクだけなんだろ? [15.5% Chance] / 生と死の遊戯盤 [15.5% Chance] / Various Monologues [1-3.5% Chance for each of 7 Monologues] 9. 紫青の参道 Right Visit (Right Path) 1. 星空へと繋ぐ坂道 2. 狼欒大社 3. 夜の罪咎が見せた夢 4. 13文字の伝言 [Left Choice] / 希望の詩 [Right Choice] 5. 私の見つけた《地平線》 [30% Chance] / 恋は岩をも動かして [30% Chance] / 生きているのはボクだけなんだろ? [15.5% Chance] / 生と死の遊戯盤 [15.5% Chance] / Various Monologues [0.5-2% Chance for each of 7 Monologues] 6. 死はいつも水の貌で... [Left Choice] / 太陽を目指して飛べばいい [Right Choice] 7 after 死はいつも水の貌で. 神と私の生きる道 [Left Choice] / 未来の主人公達へ [Right Choice] 7 after 太陽を目指して飛べばいい. 身を焦がす不屈の競技者 [Left Choice] /太陽を盗んだ女 [Right Choice] 8. 私の見つけた《地平線》 [30% Chance] / 恋は岩をも動かして [30% Chance] / 生きているのはボクだけなんだろ? [14% Chance] / 生と死の遊戯盤 [14% Chance] / Various Monologues [1-5% Chance for each of 7 Monologues] 9. 紫青の参道 Already Visited (Middle Path) You must complete at least 1 Left Visit and 1 Right Visit to get an Already Visited song. It is not known yet which choices lead to which ending song. ≪祝い酒に隠し味を足してあげる理解者?≫な男 君の心に… 太陽と魔法の店 弥生の大海原 [2 versions with different lyrics and ending] 我が繋ぐは… 月が廻る夜 月影と秘密の園 生まれちゃいけない命… [2 versions with different lyrics and ending] 生まれちゃいけない命など在りはしない! 生みたかった命… 神無月の大鳥居 [2 versions with different lyrics and ending] 私/君の心に一番近い指 私/我が繋ぐは新しき神話 私の友達 秋季例大祭 |