标题: Robert Schumann: Genoveva
出版日期: 2008
类型: Opera
导演: Martin Ku? Ej, Felix Breisach
Conductor: Nikolaus Harnoncourt
演员: Juliane Banse (Genoveva), Shawn Mathey (Golo), Martin Gantner (Siegfried), Cornelia Kallisch (Margaretha), Alfred Muff (Drago), Ruben Drole (Hidulfus), Tomasz Slawinski (Balthasar), Matthew Leigh (Caspar) , Chorus and Orchestra of the Zurich Opera House
格诺费娃 歌剧 外文名称: Genoveva
歌剧《格诺费娃》,舒曼(Robert Alexander Sehamann)编剧并作曲,1850年6月25曰在莱比锡首次公演。
剧情简介:伯爵齐格菲里德(Siegfried)外出作战时,将爱妻格诺费娃(Genovera)请友人戈洛 (Golo)代为照拂。谁知戈洛人面兽心,疯狂地想夺取格诺费娃的爱情,但被格诺费娃拒绝,因此转爱为恨,发誓要毁灭她。戈洛向伯爵诬告说他的太太在他从军期间不贞。伯爵命戈洛杀掉格诺费娃,但在动手杀害她之前,伯爵明白了戈
作曲: 舒曼
剧本作者: 舒曼
On 25th June 1850, Robert Schumann's only opera, Genoveva, received its first performance at Leipzig State Theatre. It was a much-awaited event, as Schumann, widely regarded as the leading German instrumental composer, had set his mind to the urgent task of creating a
national opera. However, despite the efforts of the composer's supporters to maintain interest in the work, the opera was soon forgotten. When conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt first came across Genoveva some 15 years ago (he subsequently recorded a CD of it in 1996), he
voiced the opinion that “Genoveva is a work of art for which one should be prepared to go to the barricades”. Harnoncourt sees the main reason why Genoveva has not been recognised as a brilliant composition and perhaps the most significant opera written during the
second half of the 19th century, as having much to do with the false expectations attached to the work. “You mustn't look for dramatic events in this opera. What it offers us is a glimpse into the soul. Schumann was not interested in creating something naturalistic –
he wanted to write a type of opera in which the music had a greater say.”
Recorded live at the Zurich Opera House, 2008.
国家: United States | Arthaus Musik
持续时间: 2:25:48