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英文片名Schumann: At Pier2 | Symphonies 1-4
中文片名舒曼:交响曲全集 (2012) 
文件大小 42.71 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 繁英

Symphony No. 1, Spring, Op. 38
Symphony No. 2, Op. 61
Symphony No. 3 Rhenish, Op. 97
Symphony No. 4, Op. 120
Schumann at Pier2 A film by Christian Berger with Paavo Järvi and The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie

Schumann at Pier2 is not a usual concert film, it shows the 4 Symphonies of Schumann from a new perspective. Stars of the film are the conductor Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and it´s filmed at „Pier2“, a former dockyard in the harbour of Bremen. Where usually pop and rock concerts take place, the orchestra and the conductor work on Schumann´s 4 Symphonies and present it to a young audience. Beside the 4 Symphonies, a 98-minutes music film with Paavo Järvi, Schumann at Pier 2, is part of the 3 DVD-set. This documentary explains the whole idea behind the project and it contains footage from rehearsals, comments from Paavo Järvi about the symphonies and the interpretation, biographical information about R. Schumann and footage of musicians who explain and play key themes.
“Järvis Schumann is most notably extremly exciting, performed with a lot of enthusiasm.“ Fono Forum
„Since their great Beethoven-Cycle Paavo Järvi and the „Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie“ are one of the top ensembles.“ Crescendo