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英文片名 | Scent of a Woman | |
中文片名 | 闻香识女人 (1992) | |
类型 | 剧情 | |
地区 | 美国 | |
文件大小 | 15.80 GB, 蓝光 RiP 1080p | |
文件格式 | MKV/x264 | |
音轨 | 英语 DTS 5.1
国语 AC3 2.0 | |
字幕 | 简繁英 | |
IMDB评分 | 7.7 | |
![]() 【原 片 名】Scent of a Woman 【中 文 名】闻香识女人 【出品公司】Argentina Video Home (AVH) 【出品年代】1992 年 【首映日期】1992年12月23日 美国 【MPAA级别】R 级 【国 家】美国 【类 别】剧情 【导 演】马丁·布莱斯特 Martin Brest 【主 演】克里斯·奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell .....Charlie Simms 阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino .....Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade 托德·路易斯 Todd Louiso .....Trent Potter Bradley Whitford .....Randy Richard L. Duma .....Extra Student (uncredited) James Rebhorn .....Mr. Trask Frances Conroy .....Christine Downes Tom Riis Farrell .....Garry Michael Simon .....Oak Room Waiter June Squibb .....Mrs. Hunsaker Russell Gibson .....Barber (uncredited) 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman .....George Willis, Jr. (as Philip S. Hoffman) 【内容简介】 查理是贝尔中学的学生,生性率真、腼腆。因目睹了同学的恶作剧而被校长威逼利诱。要么妥协,要么恪守原则,本来平静的求学之路顿起波澜。人生被迫面临一次抉择。退伍军官弗兰肯是个丧失了光明的残疾人。同时也丧失了丢人性的信任和生活的勇气。他把自己的心灵闭锁于无限的黑暗之中,并决心完成一次“回光返照” 似的旅行后体面地结束自己的生命。命运之神安排他们在人生的十字路口相遇,用相异的手法彼此缝合对方的伤疤,让不同的人生相互救赎并最终做出相同的解释。一次意外的邂逅,一场“性感”的探戈,一次恣意的飙车和一段酣畅淋漓的演讲为观众完整的勾勒出生命从“毁灭”到“重生”的全部过程。 一句话评论: Col. Frank Slade has a very special plan for the weekend. It involves travel, women, good food, fine wine, the tango, chauffeured limousines and a loaded forty-five. And he's bringing Charlie along for the ride. 幕后制作: 一次意外的邂逅、一场“性感”的探戈、一出恣意的飙车和一段酣畅淋漓的演讲为我们完整地勾勒出生命从“毁灭”到“重生”的全部过程。本片是一部1975年意大利影片的重拍版,原版改编自小说。 花絮: ·阿尔·帕西诺准备这个角色时得到了盲人学校学员的帮助,他还透露了自己表演盲人的方法:看任何东西时眼睛都不聚焦。 ·训导会上校长对弗兰克说:"You are out of order!",这是阿尔·帕西诺在1979年的电影《...And Justice for All》中的一句著名台词。 ·导演马丁·贝斯特(Martin Brest)不承认在飞机上和电视上播放的版本。 ·弗兰克在街上跌进垃圾箱一幕其实是个意外。 ·那个经典的探戈场景的音乐是由Carlos Gardel 作曲,于1935年发表的《Por Una Cabeza》(只差一步)。 发布者:Mtime (2006-04-26 09:18:53) 精彩对白: Frank:But you must give me a reason to live on. 弗兰克:但你必须给我一个继续生存下去的理由。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank: I'll show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask, I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too ****in' blind, if I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flame thrower to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see, and I have seen, boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off, but there is nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that, you think you're merely sendin' this splendid foot solider back home to Oregen with his tail between his legs, but I say you're executin' his soul! And why? Because he is not a Baird man. Baird men, you hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. And Harry, Jimmy, and Trent, wherever you are out there, **** you too! 斯莱德中校:让你见识见识什么是破坏规矩,你不知道什么叫破坏规矩,垂斯克先生,真该让你见识,可我太老了,太累了,我***还是个瞎子。要是五年前,我会拿火焰喷射剂把这给烧了!破坏规矩?你以为在跟谁说话?我可是久经沙场,那时候我还能看得见,我看见的是象他们这么大,甚至还要小孩子们胳膊被炸断了,腿被截肢了,可但那些都不及丑陋的灵魂可怕,因为灵魂没有义肢。你以为你只是把这个好青年像落水狗一样的送回俄勒冈的老家??你们泯灭的是他的灵魂!!为什么?!就因为他不够做一个拜尔德人?拜尔德人,你们若是伤害了这个孩子,你们就是拜尔德的混蛋,你们全是。哈瑞、吉米、特伦特,不管你们坐在哪,见你们的鬼! Trask: Stand down, Mr. Slade! 校长:请你肃静,斯莱德中校。 Frank: I'm not finished. As I came in here, I heard those words: cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here, it has fallen. Makers of men, creators of leaders, be careful what kind of leaders you're producin' here. I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong, I'm not a judge or jury, but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out to buy his future! And that my friends is called integrity, that's called courage. Now, that's the stuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to crossroads in my life, I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I never took it, you know why, it was too damn hard. Now here's Charlie, he's come to the crossroads, he has chosen a path. It's the right path, it's a path made of principle that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You hold this boy's future in your hands, committee, it's a valuable future, believe me. Don't destroy it, protect it. Embrace it. It's gon na make you proud one day, I promise you. 斯莱德中校:我还没说完呢,我刚一进到这里,就听到那些话:"未来领袖的摇篮"。如果架子断了,摇篮也就掉了,它已经随落了。造就青年、培养未来的领袖的人们,看吧!要小心了,你们在培养什么样的领袖,我不知道!今天查理保持沉默是对还是错,我虽然不是法官,但我可以告诉你,他不会为了自己的前途而出卖任何人。朋友们!这就是人们常说的正直,这就是勇气,这才是未来领袖所具有的品质。现在我到了一个人生的十字路口,我一向知道哪条路是正确的,毋庸置疑,我知道,可我从没走它,为什么?因为它太艰难了。轮到查理了,他也在一个人生的十字路口,他选择了一条路,一条有原则、成全他人格的路。让他沿着这条路继续前行吧,这孩子的前途掌握在你们的手里,委员们,他会前途无量的,相信我,别毁了他!保护他!支持他!我保证会有一天你们会为此而感到骄傲!我保证。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donna:Michael thinks the tango's hysterical. 唐娜:迈克尔认为探戈很疯狂。 Frank: Well, I think Michael's hysterical 弗兰克:我认为迈克尔很疯狂。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank: What a beautiful laugh. 弗兰克:多么美的笑容。 Donna:Thank you, Frank. 唐娜:谢谢你,弗兰克。 Frank: Would you like to learn to tango, Donna ? 弗兰克:你想学探戈么,唐娜? Donna:Right now ? 唐娜:现在? Frank:I'm offering you my services...free of charge. 弗兰克:我愿为您效劳,免费的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank: If you make a mistake,get all tangled up, just tango on. 弗兰克:如果你跳错了也没关系,接着跳下去。 |