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  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

英文片名Savage Three
原始片名Fango bollente
中文片名沸腾的泥土 (1975) 
类型动作, 犯罪
文件大小 45.75 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 意大利语 LPCM 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 沸腾的泥土 / Hot Mud / Savage Three / 凶恶三人
◎片  名 Fango bollente
◎年  代 1975
◎产  地 意大利
◎类  别 动作 / 犯罪
◎语  言 意大利语
◎上映日期 1975
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3864412/
◎片  长 84分钟
◎导  演 维托里奥·萨勒诺 Vittorio Salerno
◎编  剧 耶尔迈斯托·加斯塔尔迪 Ernesto Gastaldi
◎主  演 乔·达里桑德罗 Joe Dallesandro
       恩里科·玛丽亚·萨莱诺 Enrico Maria Salerno
       萨尔瓦托雷·博尔盖塞 Salvatore Borghese
       恩佐·加里内伊 Enzo Garinei
       Claudio Nicastro
       卡门·斯卡尔佩特 Carmen Scarpitta
       马汀娜·波萨 Martine Brochard

◎简  介  

  The Savage Three are three young men, fresh into the world, who work together at a computer analysis company. All three appear to be calm, level-headed, well-educated young men with the world at their fingertips. They are best friends, working together by day & playfully carousing at night. Dominating their carousing is Ovidio Mainardi, played by the handsome Joe Dallesandro. Ovid is married to a beautiful woman who is never home - she is a doctor who has put her career ahead of her marriage. As Ovid wiles away his days in front of a computer, doing repetitive, monotonous computations, he constantly glances at white mice kept trapped in a glass cage in the facility in which he works. He watches the mice as they trample each other wildly; he begins to ponder his own inner feelings of entrapment. His own frustration at being in a loveless marriage and monotone job boils over into lawlessness when he and his buddies cross the line from carousing to crime. Fango Bollente, also known as Savage Three and Hot Mud, follows these three handsome, young men through the busy streets of downtown Rome as they act out their frustrations in raw acts of violence. This Italian film is a treat for any Joe Dallensandro fan - he is completely unlikable as the complacently conniving & cruel Ovidio.