【片名】 Joe Satriani: Satchurated - Live in Montreal
【年代】 2010
【类型】 Rock
【主演】 Joe Satriani (guitar), Jeff Campitelli (drums), Mike Keneally (keaboards), Allen Whitman (bass), Galen Henson (guitar)
World-famous guitarist Joe Satriani is featured in Satchurated: Live in Montreal, the concert movie from award-winning directors and producers Pierre and François Lamoureux, coming to select theaters nationwide on March 1, 2012. Satchurated is the first concert film ever to be released in 3D and Dolby Surround 7.1.
Satchurated was filmed live on the Wormhole Tour in support of Satriani's new album, Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards, at the Metropolis in Montreal, Canada, on December 12, 2010. Eight cameras captured the sold-out concert in both 2D and 3D. Satriani is among the few artists in history to release a 3D concert film. He is a leading force in rock music, having been voted the No. 6 All-Time Best Guitarist by Guitarist Magazine (UK) and Best Guitarist of the Year three times by Guitar World Magazine. In his career, Satriani has sold more than 10 million copies of his studio and live recordings worldwide, has been nominated for 15 Grammy Awards®, and has sold more than 4 million concert tickets.
擁有「電吉他巫師」美稱的Joe Satriani,是全球把玩吉他搖滾的樂迷師法的偶像!出神入化的技巧,開創新式吉他搖滾風格。出道以來榮獲15次葛萊美獎「最佳搖滾演奏藝人」提名,全球銷量突破700萬張,堪稱當代搖滾吉他大師!
以電吉他取代人聲的創舉,曾在金屬/搖滾界引來騷動,90年代被冠上吉他英雄的美稱,14歲聞之搖滾史上偉大吉他手Jimi Hendrix過世,便立志成為一名優秀吉他高手。1987年發行個人第二張經典大碟《Surfing With The Alien》,隨即獲得「Guitar World Magazine」百大經典專輯第四名,並獲滾石樂團主唱Mick Jagger的單飛巡演中,擔任主奏吉他手。
這場在2010年舉行的「Wormhole Tour」世界巡演,特別選錄2010年12月12日加拿大蒙特婁的大都會劇院(Metropolis Theatre)的演出實況,並以2D及3D的方式在院線大銀幕上映,讓無法親臨現場的樂迷,有機會一睹風采大師風采。《Satchurated:Live In Montreal》雙CD是樂迷完整體驗大師演奏風采的聽覺饗宴,邀請朱諾獎得主的加拿大籍全方位製作/混音前輩Mike Fraser(AC/DC、Aerosmith、Elvis Costello)監製。滾石雜誌「史上50位經典鼓手」肯定的Jeff Campitelli跨刀、AMG網站盛譽的搖滾天才Mike Keneally擔任鍵盤手,演唱會在全場鼓譟中帶來〈Ice 9〉,強力的電吉他音牆厚實堆疊,即刻挑起血脈噴張的情緒;獻給妻子的動容大作〈Always With Me,Always With You〉、現代搖滾榜Top5的〈Summer Song〉等招牌曲目一次收錄。