专辑名称:爱尔兰之旅Irish Tour 1974
专辑艺人:Rory Gallagher
《爱尔兰之旅》(Irish Tour 1974)是洛瑞盖乐许毕生最精彩的演唱实况录象。这一场演唱会的实况影像不仅是珍贵史料,也是一位用生命证明音乐的吉他英雄所献给乐迷最精彩的纪念。在现场的表演中Rory Gallagher展现出随和、亲切、专注的个性令所有人感动,一位伟大的摇滚人对音乐是如此的执着,不得不叫人敬佩。他总是面带迷人微笑对着摄影机示范的蓝调吉他技巧,听者都为他高超的技艺而惊叹。Rory和团员以简陋的演奏器材气定神闲地在舞台上奏出令人心跳停止的蓝调摇滚、在后台,悠然喝着他最喜欢的爱尔兰黑麦啤酒,这一切的珍贵影像纪录对于每一个热爱摇滚乐的人都是无限的诱惑、无法抵挡。而异常爆满的现场也记录了70时代青年们是如何拥戴他们的归乡英雄。片中选录了一段1974年情势紧张的贝尔发思特街景,是那个时代的验证。虽然Rory离开了我们,但是相信他的音乐灵魂会永远留在我们每一个人的心中。
Rory Gallagher: Irish Tour '74
Year: 2011
Genre: Rock
In 1974, award winning film maker Tony Palmer followed Rory Gallagher and his band on their tour of Ireland. The subsequent movie was released in cinemas to great critical acclaim and has gone on to be accepted as one of the great rock films. Now for the first time the film has been lovingly restored and remastered from the original footage and is being reissued on DVD and released for the first time on Blu-ray. There is a massive improvement in both sound and picture quality over the original DVD release and finally Gallagher fans can get to see the film as it was meant to be, capturing Rory, his music, the period and the place to perfection.
1. Walk On Hot Coals
2. Tattoo'd Lady
3. Who's That Comin'
4. A Million Miles Away
5. Going To My Home Town
6. Cradle Rock
7. As The Crow Flies
8. Hands Up
9. Bulfrog Blues
Production: US | Eagle Rock Entertainment
Runtime: 01:24:11 + 00:27:03 (Documentary)