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  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

英文片名Reves de glace
中文片名冰梦 (2010) 
文件大小 17.42 GB, 蓝光3D原盘 1080i
文件格式 ISO/AVC
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 简英
We can assure you: the draft IceDream - not just another advertising campaign, the imagination of creative people. The idea to use the resources of the icebergs is not as fantastic as it sounds. Behind it is quite feasible project and the team of professionals working in the real world.

French engineer Georges Mougins (Georges Mougin) for more than 40 years working on the project towing icebergs in order to use them as a source of fresh water. Recently he was able - thanks to the platform 3D Experience Dassault Systèmes - demonstrate the technical feasibility of the idea, finally disproving the arguments of those who thought this venture insane. Based on the technology of social innovation, it is included in a network of experts from different countries working in the fields of engineering, glaciology, meteorology and physical oceanography. The advanced technology of the scientific simulation allowed them to use complex oceanographic and meteorological data obtained by observing the real processes. At the same time, they have tested the project in 3D-immersive virtual environment. So, thanks to technologies of the 21st century, Georges Mougins is preparing to write a new chapter in the history of the production of drinking water and energy.

Use icebergs, doomed to the fact that in the natural drift to melt and mix with the salt water of the oceans. Use for towing icebergs sea currents and wind. This is the idea of ​​Georges Mougins, located in harmony with the principles of environmental protection. With virtual immersive Science Experiment and scientific 3D-modeling Mougins George was able to record time to test different scenarios buksirovaki, thereby making a decisive step towards the implementation of the project.

Today, about one billion people lack access to clean water and more than 2.5 billion live in places where there is no water treatment systems. This is a cause of disease, malnutrition, problems in agriculture. Water crisis, which is observed in all countries of the world, has reached alarming proportions. Fortunately, however, there are inventors like George Mougins. At first glance, their ideas may seem fantastic, but often it is necessary for technological breakthroughs and progress. Of course, a number of issues related to the project Georges Mougins, requires further study, but it is already clear that, after so many years of effort, his idea deserves serious and impartial consideration. It allows to make 3D-experiments that open new horizons for the project.