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英文片名Pita: The Metamorphosis
中文片名现代芭蕾舞 (2013) 
文件大小 23.03 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 DTS-HDMA 5.1
LPCM 2.0
字幕 无字幕

Name : Pita: The Metamorphosis
Year : 2013
Genre : Modern Ballet
Director : Arthur Pita
Artist : Edward Watson, Laura Day, Nina Goldman, Neil Reynolds, Bettina Carpi, Greig Cooke, Amir Giles, The Royal Ballet, The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House


Arthur Pita's dance-theatre adaptation of Franz Kafka's 1915 novella had its premiere at the Royal Opera House's Linbury Studio Theatre in 2011 . The role of Gregor Samsa was created for Royal Ballet Principal Edward Watson, and draws on his extraordinary technical abilities. The unusual and absurd story is conveyed through startling choreography - an intelligent presentation of the pressures and yearnings of the young Kafka.

Frank Moon's score and Simon Daw's stark, white designs in traverse create a claustrophobic atmosphere, while the horror of Gregor's physical alteration is evoked by black fluid that smears the stage. Although Gregor's mother and father struggle to come to terms with his transformation, his younger sister, Grete, is more sympathetic. However, her feelings change and she undergoes her own metamorphosis as she moves from childhood to adulthood. The Metamorphosis won a South Bank Sky Arts Award and Edward Watson won the Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance for his role.

Issued: USA | Opus Arte
Duration: 1:32:55