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英文片名Pergolesi: Il Prigionier Superbo / La Serva Padrona
中文片名歌剧 (2009) 
文件大小 37.50 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 意大利语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

Name: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: "Proud Prisoner" and "Maid Mistress"
Original title: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Il prigionier superbo & La serva padrona
Year: 2009/2011
Genre: Opera
Directed by: Henning Brockhaus
Conductor: Corrado Rovaris
Cast: Il prigionier superbo: Antonio Lozano (Sostrate), Maria Rodrìguez Cusì (Rosmene), Marina de Liso (Metalce), Ruth Rosique (Ericlea), Marina Comparato (Viridate), Giacinta Nicotra (Micisda); La Serva Padrona: Alessandra Marianelli (Serpina), Carlo Lepore (Uberto), Jean Meningue (Vespone); Accademia Barocca de I Virtuosi Italiani


The Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini, which has been devoting itself to the research and performance of Pergolesi's music for years now, had his operas recorded live at the annual Music Festival in Jesi. Released on these DVDs are two productions from Jesi of one almost forgotten opera, Il prigionier superbo, and one of Pergolesi's most popular works, La serva padrona, combined like they were at the original premiere. Il prigionier superbo tells the story of two rival kings and a princess in distress. In order to strengthen his power, Metalce, imprisons his rival Sostrate. Further, he tries to obtain Rosmene's love. Proud like her father Sostrate, she persistently thwarts the tyrant, while on the other hand she forces herself to hate her beloved Viridate. La serva padrona is the short comedy of Serpina and Uberto: the wily maidservant, hell-bent on her willing to become the mistress of the house, thinks up a plan in order to convince her master to marry her. Both operas were directed by Henning Brockhaus, who placed Il prigionier superbo within a contemporary setting inside a cave and La serva padrona in a circus. The casts both brilliantly show their versatile voices in numerous virtuosic arias accompanied by the Baroque specialists of the Accademia Barocca de I Virtuosi Italiani, conducted by Corrado Rovaris.

Issued: United States | Arthaus Musik
Duration: 2:04:45 + 00:52:32