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英文片名OneRepublic: Live in South Africa
中文片名 (2015) 
文件大小 32.00 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

OneRepublic arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa, to play for 20,000 fans in an explosion of light and sound. Over a decade that saw them go from struggling musicians to multi-platinum, award-winning artists and one of the most popular bands on the planet, headlining a South African tour was the fulfilment of a dream and a promise.

The energy and magic of this special concert from the Native World Tour is paired with an intimate and all-access look at the inspirations behind OneRepublic's greatest hits.

Don't Look Down is the first documentary to tell OneRepublic's story of their meteoric rise from teenage songwriters to one of the world's biggest bands. They reflect on their journey and look forward to their future in exclusive interviews and never-before-seen archive video, which is exclusive to the physical formats. A further bonus is the band s dynamic performance of Wherever I Go live from the stunning Sydney Harbour.

Blu-ray Track Listing
1. Don't Look Down
2. Light It Up
3. Secrets
4. All The Right Moves
5. What You Wanted
6. Stop And Stare
7. Something I Need
8. Apologize
9. Preacher
10. Good Life
11. Counting Stars
12. Can't Stop
13. Au Revoir
14. Feel Again
15. I Lived
16. Love Runs Out
17. Wonderful World
18. If I Lose Myself

Bonus Features
Don't Look Down (Mini-documentary)
Wherever I Go (Live in Sydney)