《Life》这部电视剧用了一个极其简单的词语来作为标题,原本以为它反映的也是生活的琐事,但没想到是一部警匪剧……这部电视剧的主角是遭人诬陷、含冤入狱长达数年的Charlie Crews(Damian Lewis, “Band of Brothers”) 侦探。在红颜知己、律师Constance Griffiths(Melissa Sagemiller, “Sleeper Cell”)的帮助下,他终于洗脱罪名,重回警队。Charlie Crews个性复杂,做事不喜欢拘泥于规则,因此一开始与做事严谨、对一切事实都抱有怀疑态度的新搭档(Sarah Shahi, “Rush Hour 3”)总是搞不好关系。但两人联手破获了数起要案之后,对彼此的看法有了本质的改变。两人的上司(Robin Weigart, HBO's “Deadwood”)是一个硬派人物,让两人吃尽了苦头。此外,Charlie Crews的前任搭档Ted Early(Adam Arkin, “Chicago Hope”)仍然和Charlie的生活密不可分。(介绍转自天涯小筑)
Detective Charlie Crews has spent years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Now Crews must face the world that he left behind and that left him behind. Dealing with the changes that occurred while he was away, and while trying to put the past behind him, Charlie returns to the job he loves. But it's not going to be an easy return as Charlie is partnered up with a jaded detective, Dani Reese. With Charlie's new take on life, and his new insight into the little things, Charlie gains a new view on crime as he strives to get back the life he once led.