标题: Lichtmond 3D
出版时间: 2011
导演: Giorgio Koppehele, Martin Koppehele
出版商: Germany | Blu Phase Media / Alive!
时间: 0:48:47
拥有高端的BD/DVD母版及音频/视频后期制作经验的msm-Studios 工作室制作了Lichtmond的3D版本,世界上第一个动画音乐3D蓝光碟,配置7.1和5.1环绕声,制作人是来自慕尼黑的兄弟马丁和乔治Koppehele。
西班牙动画艺术家Diego M. Bonati重新生成了Lichtmond的3D版,制片人乔治Koppehle说“Lichtmond是一个美妙的意象与音乐的结合体,编织成一个有趣的声音世界结合着浪漫和敏感的爱情诗。”
High-end BD / DVD mastering and audio / video post production house msm-Studios produced the 3D disc version of Lichtmond, the world's first animation music 3D Blu-ray with 7.1 + 5.1 surround sound. The producers and creative brains behind the ambient pop project Lichtmond are the brothers Martin and Giorgio Koppehele from Munich.
The Spanish animation artist Diego M. Bonati, from Imago D-Studios in Madrid, has reworked his animated dreamworlds for 3D generating completely new creations. "Lichtmond is in the purest sense of the word a wonderful imagery of romantic and sensitive love poems combined with ambient pop and chill-out tracks, which are woven into an intriguing world of sounds," says producer Giorgio Koppehle.
"As we had already created the complete image world for Lichtmond together with our Spanish animation partner, we had to convert that into a fascinating 3D world," Koppehle comments.
"It required high computing power to create a true, stereoscopic 3D version. Some objects like the flying fish positively "grow" out of the 3D TV as do bubble-like volcanoes and other surreal objects. True 3D image is the perfect extension to the Lichtmond world of sound and shows the possibilities of what is creatively feasible in the music domain. "
这部DEMO画质晶莹剔透,画面梦幻唯美,音乐充满了诡异,而DTS-HD 7.1(5.1)音效则将整部片子渲染到极致。