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英文片名La città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapitori
中文片名绑架辛迪加 (1975) 
类型犯罪, 惊悚
文件大小 20.32 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 意大利语 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 无字幕

◎译  名 绑架辛迪加 / Kidnap Syndicate
◎片  名 La città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapitori
◎年  代 1975
◎产  地 意大利
◎类  别 犯罪
◎语  言 意大利语
◎上映日期 1975
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3864481/
◎片  长 97 分钟
◎导  演 费尔南多·迪·莱沃 / Fernando Di Leo
◎演  员 马里诺·梅瑟 / Marino Masé
      塞雷娜·本纳托 / Serena Bennato
      吕克·米朗德 / Luc Merenda
      Daniele Dublino Daniele Dublino
      Pietro Ceccarelli Pietro Ceccarelli
      塞尔瓦托雷·比拉 / Salvatore Billa
      雷纳托·巴尔迪尼 / Renato Baldini
      詹姆斯·梅森 / James Mason
      维托里奥·卡布里奥利 / Vittorio Caprioli
      瓦伦蒂娜·格特斯 / Valentina Cortese
      雷纳托·罗曼诺 / Renato Romano | 饰 Kidnapper
◎编  剧 费尔南多·迪·莱沃 / Fernando Di Leo
      耶尔迈斯托·加斯塔尔迪 / Ernesto Gastaldi
      Nicola Manzari Nicola Manzari
◎音  乐 路易斯·巴卡洛夫 / Luis Enríquez Bacalov
◎摄  影 Erico Menczer Erico Menczer
◎剪  辑 Sergio Montanari Sergio Montanari

◎简  介 

  Kidnap Syndicate may not be the all action thrill ride that describes many of the Polizi flicks, but this is still an excellent example of the genre, and one that delivers a little more than just car chases and shootouts. As the title suggests, the film focus on the profitable business of kidnapping, and director Fernando Di Leo does an excellent job of showing the horror of the effect that this can have on the victim's families, as well as delivering another excellent slice of Italian crime drama. The film stars Luc Merenda as a mechanic and poor father of a kidnapped boy. An Italian crime syndicate kidnap the child of a wealthy businessman; as well as the mechanic's son. They make their ransom demands, but the wealthy father refuses to pay and decides instead to negotiate with the kidnappers. This enrages them; so to prove they're serious, they decide to kill the mechanic's son. Distraught at his loss, the father then sets out on a mission of revenge, with the organisation behind the kidnappings firmly in his crosshairs...
  Kidnap Syndicate is a film of two halves. The first half focuses on the kidnapping itself and the effect on the families involved, while the second half follows Merenda as he seeks out and takes revenge on the perpetrators. The structure of the film works well; the director allows us to get into the situation and characters in the first half of the film, before launching into a revenge thriller; and by then, every audience member is likely to want to see the kidnappers pay! You don't really expect to see much emotion in Polizi flicks, and indeed more could have been made of the situation that the lead finds himself in; but overall, I have to say that the film does a good job of making you feel for Merenda's character and his plight. The acting is good also, with Merenda providing an excellent performance that works well with both parts of the film. Seeing him tear around on his motorcycle is good fun to watch and the film provides all the car chases and shootouts that you would expect from this sort of film in the second half. Overall, Kidnap Syndicate is undoubtedly a highlight of the Polizi genre and comes highly recommended!