作为《Insight Asia》其中一个单元,六集的《Asian Corridor In Heaven》由韩国KBS与日本NHK电视台联合拍摄,以世界上最古老的经贸之路「茶马古道」为题材的高清(HD)纪录片节目。处于中国西南部的横断山区与西藏高原之间,茶马古道比中国古代商业道路「丝绸之路」更早于二百年前而面世,在西汉时期形成,横跨西藏、尼泊尔与印象交界。根据文献记载,茶马古道除了以茶叶与马帮的贸易之外,也是中国与藏族的文代、人民和宗教的枢纽。此纪录片每集为一小时,以历史、文化的角度全面地分折茶马古道的古今面貌,并让观众从这遍慑人的人间美景之中,看到可媲美与天堂相连的人与地。
KBS : Insight Asia - Asian Corridor In Heaven
General Info
Part of the Insight Asia series, Asian Corridor In Heaven is a six-episode HD documentary series co-produced by KBS and NHK about the world's oldest trade route, the "Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road". Pre-dating the Silk Road by 200 years, the Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road crossed from the Sichuan and Yunnan provinces of Southwest China over mountainous terrain into Tibet, Nepal, and India. The Caravan Road was not only an important route for the trade of tea and horses, but also a corridor connecting Chinese and Tibetan language, people, religion, and cultures.