★ 向拥有「摇滚名人堂」、「葛莱美名人堂」、「创作家名人堂」和「国家发明家名人堂」等荣耀加身的「电吉他之父」Les Paul致敬的现场收音特辑!
★ 精彩诠释The Yardbirds、翻玩经典名曲、个人杰作,以及Les Paul的招牌作品,感受在弹指之间的真情流露!
蓝调吉他英雄Jeff Beck,两度被选入「摇滚名人殿堂」、五度获颁葛莱美「最佳摇滚演奏家」殊荣,不仅坐上滚石杂志「史上百名伟大吉他手」第14位,更被赞誉为「摇滚乐界最具影响力的主奏吉他手之一」,包括Mick Jagger、Roger Waters、Stevie Wonder、Les Paul、Brian May等跨界巨星们,都对Jeff Beck公开推崇,并指定邀约他参与经典作品的加持!
有着「传奇摇滚乐团」封号、被滚石杂志推崇为「史上最重量级乐团」首席的Led Zeppelin,其前身The Yardbirds,由于Eric Clapton的脱队,而让Jeff代替入籍并发光发热,在其短短1年多的任期内,参与录制了滚石杂志「史上500张经典专辑」名单中的“Roger The Engineer”专辑。之后, Jeff离开The Yardbirds,和Rod Stewart、Ronnie Wood等大明星组成The Jeff Beck Group,替自己的音乐风格大为向前迈进。1975年,Jeff开始展开个人演艺生涯并发行“Blow By Blow”,赢得AMG网站给予4星半近满分评鉴,拿下百万销售,登记告示牌流行榜殿军,成为事业上最优成绩!2010年,睽违七年的“Emotion & Commotion”,攀上英国商业排行最佳的Top21位置、入围5座葛莱美奖,这位宝刀未老备受尊崇的前辈,依然那么英姿焕发的全然释放大师风范!
2009年8月13日,有着「电吉他之父」美誉的Les Paul因肺炎病逝,享年94岁,获得「摇滚名人堂」、「葛莱美名人堂」、「创作家名人堂」和「国家发明家名人堂」等荣耀加身,其于1952年所推出的The Gibson Les Paul吉他,就连Eric Clapton、Jimmy Page都是其中爱好者,一生奉献给音乐,不断追求技术和质量的再提升!为此,Jeff特别献上他的崇高致意,发行现场演奏纪念大碟“Rock 'n' Roll Party (Honoring Les Paul)”,精彩诠释The Yardbirds,翻玩经典名品、个人杰作,以及Les Paul的招牌,除了神乎其技的演绎外,同时在弹指之间真情流露,无须太多词汇辅助,光是以极具生命力的旋律,加入不同情感的渐层雕琢,就搭配出一首首令人回味的隽永歌谣,让人深刻体会出Jeff出神入化的弹奏技能,以及传统与现代交相运用的新摇滚风格!
Jeff Beck - Rock'n'Roll Party Honoring Les Paul
Year: 2010
Genre: Rock'n'roll, Rockabilly, Blues
Filmed at the Irridium Jazz Club in New York City, forever associated with the legendary Les Paul, this Blu-ray captures Jeff Beck celebrating the great man with a selection of Les Paul songs and other great rock 'n' roll tracks on what would have been Les Paul's 95th birthday. Jeff Beck is joined by some very special guests including Imelda May and her band led by Darrel Higham on many of the tracks plus appearances by Gary US Bonds, Brian Setzer and Trombone Shorty. The intimate setting puts you right there in the audience for a performance featuring stunning musicianship and truly great songs.
1. Baby Let's Play House
2. Double Talkin' Baby
3. Cruisin'
4. Train Kept A Rollin'
5. Poor Boy
6. Cry Me A River
7. My Baby Left Me
8. How High The Moon
9. Sitting On Top Of The World
10. Bye Bye Blues
11. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise
12. Vaya Con Dios
13. Mockin' Bird Hill
14. I'm A Fool To Care
15. Tiger Rag
16. Peter Gunn
17. Rocking Is Our Business
18. Apache
19. Sleep Walk
20. New Orleans
21. Walking In The Sand
22. Please Mr Jailer
23. Casting My Spell On You
24. Twenty Flight Rock
25. The Girl Can't Help It
26. Rock Around The Clock
27. Shake, Rattle & Roll
Production: US | Eagle Rock Entertainment
Runtime: 01:26:52