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  • 原盘:原始蓝光光盘上拷贝,包含菜单﹑花絮等,电脑上需用ArcSoft TotalMedia Theater或PowerDVD播放才有字幕,高清播放机播放原盘或原盘ISO,请确保你的机子支持后再选,避免发生兼容性问题
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  • WEB-DL:来源是各大视频网站,质量要比HDTV好,相比HDTV,无水印,无台标logo,无插播广告,所以无任何剪切较完整。
  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

英文片名Hoop Dreams
中文片名篮球梦 (1994) 
类型纪录, 剧情, 运动
文件大小 45.73 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
文件格式 ISO/AVC
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 4.0
字幕 简繁英

◎译  名 篮球梦
◎片  名 Hoop Dreams
◎年  代 1994
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 剧情/纪录片/运动
◎语  言 英语/意大利语/法语
◎片  长 2:52:30.373 (h:m:s.ms)
◎导  演 史蒂夫·詹姆斯 Steve James
◎主  演 William Gates...Himself
      Arthur Agee...Himself
      Emma Gates...Herself - William‘s Mother
      Curtis Gates...Himself - William‘s Brother
      Sheila Agee...Herself - Arthur‘s Mother
      Arthur ‘Bo‘ Agee...Himself - Arthur‘s Father
      Earl Smith...Himself - Talent Scout
      Gene Pingatore...Himself - High School Basketball Coach
      Isiah Thomas...Himself - Professional Basketball Player
      Marlyn Hopewell...Herself - High School Guidance Counselor (as Sister Marlyn Hopewell)
      Bill Gleason...Himself - Television Reporter
      Patricia Weir...Herself - President: Encyclopedia Brittanica
      Marjorie Heard...Herself - High School Guidance Counselor
      Luther Bedford...Himself - High School Basketball Coach
      Aretha Mitchell...Herself - High School Guidance Counselor
      Shannon Johnson...Himself - Arthur‘s Friend
      Tomika Agee...Herself - Arthur‘s Sister
      Joe ‘Sweetie‘ Agee...Himself - Arthur‘s Brother
      Jazz Agee...Herself - Tomika‘s Daughter and Arthur‘s Niece
      Catherine Mines...Herself - William‘s Girlfriend
      Alicia Mines...Herself - William‘s Daughter
      Alvin Bibbs...Himself - William‘s Brother-in-Law
      Willie Gates...Himself - William‘s Father
      James Kelly...Himself - High School Teacher and Registrar
      Michael O‘Brie...Himself - High School Finance Director
      Dick Vitale...Himself - Television Sports Commentator
      Kevin O‘Neill...Himself - Marquette University Head Basketball Coach
      Bobby Knight...Himself - Indiana University Head Basketball Coach
      Joey Meyer...Himself - DePaul University Head Basketball Coach
      Frank DuBois...Himself - Camp Academic Director
      Spike Lee...Himself - Film Director
      Bo Ellis...Himself - Marquette University Assistant Backetball Coach
      Bob Gibbons...Himself - Basketball Scout
      Dennis Doyle...Himself - High School Assistant Basketball Coach
      Clarence Webb...Himself - High School Science Teacher
      Stan Wilson...Himself - Basketball Scout
      Derrick Zinneman...Himself - High School Basketball Player
      Tim Gray...Himself - Junior College Basketball Coach
      Myron Gordon...Himself - Junior College Basketball Player
      Steve James...Narrator

◎简  介
  篮球明星的摇篮,追踪芝加哥黑人区两名少年的成长过程。这是一部高水准的纪录片,影片讲述的是两个来自芝加哥贫民区的黑人少年威廉·盖茨(William Gates)和亚瑟·阿奇(Arthur Agee)的成长历程。他们具有非凡的篮球才能,却只能在街头篮球赛中大展身手,直到被一名星探发现,他们的人生由此改变。两个人的经历与NBA中很多球星的奋斗历程十分相像:靠着天赋和努力从贫民区中一步一步地奋斗,最终获得成功……


奥斯卡金像奖(1995;第67届) 提名:1
·奥斯卡奖-最佳电影剪辑 Frederick Marx  史蒂夫·詹姆斯 Steve James   William Haugse  
圣丹斯电影节(1994;第10届) 获奖:1 提名:1
·观众奖-纪录片史蒂夫·詹姆斯 Steve James  
·评审团大奖-纪录片史蒂夫·詹姆斯 Steve James  
MTV电影奖(1995;第4届) 获奖:1
·MTV电影奖-最佳新电影制作人史蒂夫·詹姆斯 Steve James