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英文片名Gustav Mahler: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 8
中文片名演奏会 (2013) 
文件大小 41.78 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 DTS-HDMA 5.1
LPCM 2.0
字幕 无字幕

Name: Gustav Mahler: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 8
Release year: 2011/2013
Genre: Classical
Directed by: Michael Ciniselli
Conductor: Paavo Järvi
Artist: Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchstra (HR-Sinfonieorchester)


In many ways Mahler's Seventh and Eighth Symphonies are the most unusual works that the late Romantic composer ever wrote. The Seventh was the last in a series of middle-period pieces that were purely instrumental in character. Two movements headed "Nachtmusik" (night music) and the remarkable writing for a guitar and a mandolin help to create a sequence of darkly Romantic visions. And even within Mahler's markedly eclectic output, the Eighth Symphony enjoys the status of an exotic outsider thanks not only to its two-movement form combining an early medieval hymn and the final scene from Goethe's Faust but also to the vast forces for which it is scored , earning it the title of "Symphony of a Thousand".

Recorded at the Rheingau Musik Festival, 2011 (Symphony No. 7) and 2013 (Symphony No. 8).

1 Vorspann 00:33
  Sinfonie Nr. 7 e-moll "Lied der Nacht"
2 1. Langsam - Allegro risoluto, ma non troppo 20:29
3 2. Nachtmusik 1: Allegro moderato 15:20
4 3. Scherzo: Schattenhaft 09:11
5 4. Nachtmusik 2: Andante amoroso 11:23
6 5. Rondo-Finale: Tempo 1 (Allegro ordinario) 17:27
7 Applaus & Abspann 01:59
8 Paavo's Introduktion zur 7. Sinfonie von Mahler 07:12
9 Vorspann 00:49
  Sinfonie Nr. 8 Es-Dur "Sinfonie der Tausend"
10 1. Hymnus: Veni, Creator spiritus (1. Teil) 23:37
11 2. Schlussszene aus Goethes Faust II (2. Teil) 58:23
12 Applaus & Abspann 03:59
13 Paavo's Introduktion zur 8. Sinfonie von Mahler 11:15

Issued: United States | C MAJOR
Duration: 2:43:37