歌唱家奥菲欧的爱妻尤丽狄茜不幸死了,他非常悲伤,在神灵前恸哭。奥菲欧悲痛欲绝的歌声打动了爱神,允许他去地狱,用动人的歌声救回爱妻,并警告他在跨越冥界返回人间之前不得看妻子的脸。奥菲欧如愿以偿,但他一眼不看妻子的脸却使妻子很不理解,在她的苦苦哀求下,奥菲欧忘记了爱神的忠告,回头看了她一眼,尤丽迪茜当即倒地死去。奥菲欧后悔莫及,欲自杀殉情。爱神被他的真情感动,再次显形相救,终于救活了尤丽狄茜,使他们夫妻得以团聚。 剧本:卡尔扎比吉根据古希腊神话编写 作曲:[德]格鲁克
Name: Christoph Gluck: "Orfeo ed Euridice
Original title: Gluck: Orpheus und Eurydike
Released: 2008
Genre: Opera
Director: Pina Bausch
Artist: Yann Bridard / Maria Riccarda Wesseling (Orphee), Marie-Agnes Gillot / Julia Kleiter (Euydice), Miteki Kudo / Sunhae Im (Amour), Le corps de Ballet de l'Opera national de Paris, Balthasar-Neumann Ensemble and Choir
Pina Bausch staged "Orpheus and Euridice" in the genre, called it Tanzoper - «Dance Opera. " At the scene two of Orpheus, Eurydice, two, two Amur - each character has opera and ballet performers. The play was created for the theater of Wuppertal in 1975 and restored in the Paris Opera in 2008.
Issued: United States | Naxos
Length: 1:44:43