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英文片名Giacomo Puccini: La Bohème
中文片名普契尼歌剧:波西米亚 (2012) 
文件大小 22.66 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 德语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

Name: Giacomo Puccini 's "La Boheme "
Original title : Giacomo Puccini: La Bohème
Year : 2012
Genre: Opera
Directed by : Davide Livermore
Conductor : Riccardo Chailly
Starring : Gal James (Mimi), Aquiles Machado (Rodolfo), Carmen Romeu (Musetta), Massimo Cavalletti (Marcello), Gianluca Buratto (Colline), Mattia Olivieri (Schaunard), Matteo Peirone (Benoit), Escola Coral Veus Juntes de Quart de Poblet, Escolania de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats, Valencia Regional Government Choir (Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana)


The musical notes of this Puccini masterpiece provide the starting point and foundation for a new, highly successful collaboration between Riccardo Chailly and Davide Livermore. In their interpretation, there is 'no moment, no movement that goes against the musical meaning' (Chailly). The result is an energetic, authentic and atmospherically strong Boheme, 'in which every sacred phrase receives its own orchestral color, its own dynamic, and its own expression'.

Recorded live at the Palau de les Arts "Reina Sofia", Valencia, 12 and 15 December 2012 .

Issued: USA | Naxos
Duration: 1:54:17