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  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

英文片名Fragment of an Empire
原始片名Обломок империи
中文片名帝国的碎片 (1929) 
文件大小 31.90 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 帝国的碎片 / A Fragment of Empire / Fragment of an Empire
◎片  名 Обломок империи
◎年  代 1929
◎产  地 苏联
◎类  别 剧情
◎语  言 俄语
◎上映日期 1929-10-28(苏联) / 1930-01-25(美国)
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3272449/
◎片  长 Finland: 96 分钟(20 fps)
◎导  演 弗雷德里克·厄姆勒 / Fridrikh Ermler
◎演  员 费奥多尔·尼基金 / Fyodor Nikitin
      露德米拉·谢米奥诺娃 / Lyudmila Semyonova
      Valeri Solovtsov Valeri Solovtsov
      Yakov Gudkin Yakov Gudkin
      谢尔盖·格拉西莫夫 / Sergei Gerasimov
      Varvara Myasnikova Varvara Myasnikova
      Aleksandr Melnikov Aleksandr Melnikov
      Emil Gal Emil Gal
◎编  剧 弗雷德里克·厄姆勒 / Fridrikh Ermler
      Yekaterina Vinogradskaya Yekaterina Vinogradskaya
◎摄  影 Gleb Bushtuyev Gleb Bushtuyev
◎美  术 Yevgeni Yenej Yevgeni Yenej

◎简  介 

  Described by historian Paul Rotha as "the epitome of the Soviet propaganda film, realized with extraordinary skill of technical achievement", Fragment of an Empire was the first important film effort by director Frederick Ermler. Combining documentary techniques with straight dramatic narrative, the film focuses on a sergeant in the army of the Czar who loses track of his lovely wife. By the time he's discovered that his bride has re-married to an aristocrat, the sergeant has experienced a political epiphany, disdaining Imperialism in favor of the burgeoning Bolshevist movement. The protagonist's turnaround is counterpointed with spectacular shots of growing social unrest throughout Russia. American film critics, traditionally resistant to propaganda films in the early 1930s, felt that Fragment of an Empire contained enough of the "popular" elements to enjoy a successful U.S. release.