别 名:赤道之阳光争夺战
英文名:Discovery HD:Equator-Battle for the light
The Equator series is an epic production, capturing every detail in high definition, that takes viewers on a 40,000-kilometer odyssey chasing the sun to some of the most extreme and diverse locations on the planet. The equator is not only the line that divides the Earth in two--it's also a line of life and a powerful force of nature, where the pace of evolution quickens. The equator covers only 5% of the Earth's surface, but is home to 50% of its animal and plant species.
Just as humanity evolved under the glare of the equatorial sun on the East African savannah, it's no accident that many "hot spots" of biological significance occur along the equator. The equatorial sun is the most powerful source of energy on Earth, a force that reaches well beyond the equatorial band itself. As it beats down on the oceans, moist air rises on such a large scale that it generates the trade winds and great ocean currents that energize life on distant parts of the globe.
In this episode: The rainforests of Southeast Asia are a battleground. Here, the world's greatest diversity of species fights for light, food, and life. Fueled by the sun, rapid evolution encourages cunning and strategy to help plants and animals stake their claims in this complex environment.