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英文片名Echoes of Creation
中文片名生命的回声 (2010) 
类型纪录, 短片
文件大小 12.48 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 英语 AC3 5.1
字幕 无字幕



Original title: Echoes of Creation
Year: 2010
Genre: Documentary | RELAX
Country: United States, TOPICS Entertainment
Director: Ian Nikman
Awards, Jan Nikmanom, music written by renowned composer David Arkenstonom.
Size: 12.48 GB
Length: 00:40:23

Experience timeless beauty of the 3,000-year old redwoods of California, lush vegetation, the Pacific Northwest United States and primeval splendor of Alaska. This film is the winner of Emmy

“Echoes of Creation” is a revolutionary new program by Emmy Award winning director Jan Nickman, that goes beyond the discussion about the natural world and into an experience with it.   Immerse yourself into nature like never before.  Feel the mystery of an aurora borealis, hear the wisdom of three thousand year old sequoias.  

Unlike the typical information-based nature programs that fill your mind with facts and figures,  “Echoes of Creation” is a unique experience through the exquisite beauty of Alaska, California and the Pacific Northwest that allows you to feel nature, rather than think about it and hear its wisdom, rather than talk about it.

Experience the miracle, marvel and wonder of the natural world and our deep connection to it with a brilliant soundtrack by Grammy nominated composer, David Arkenstone and poetic spoken word by Karen Hutton.  An experience you will want to take again and again.  

Composer David Arkenstone collaborated with director Jan Nickman in a unique and innovative process whereby the music and breathtaking cinematography were created out of each other. The result is a music score that merges with stunning imagery in a profound new way.

Another unique feature of the “Echoes of Creation”  Blu-ray is an option to play the program without spoken word, allowing for a deeper meditative experience.