多尼采蒂的歌剧的《玛丽·斯图尔特》是发生在女王和她的表妹伊丽莎白一世之间的故事。该剧有大量的女性角色,从马利布朗到格鲁贝洛娃和托西到巴特斯塔,每个都极富戏剧性。 “作品取得了成功,年轻的大师里卡多弗里扎设法捕捉到所有的多尼采蒂音乐的细微差别,显示了自己的深度和敏感...劳拉波尔韦雷利把伊丽莎白描绘成具有优雅和骄傲性格的女性。复仇女神,满怀有怀疑和嫉妒的玛丽·斯图尔特,热情而骄傲,在被判处死刑的时候,回顾她的过去仍对罪孽毫不觉醒,仍然认为她是无罪的。
Donizetti: Maria Stuarda
Year: 2010
Genre: Opera
Music: Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto: Giuseppe Bardari, based on Friedrich Schiller's play Maria Stuart (1800), Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice
Conductor: Fabrizio Maria Carminati
Stage Director: Denis Krief
Video Director: Tiziano Mancini
Cast and Crew: Maria Stuarda: Fiorenza Cedolins, Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra: Sonia Ganassi, Roberto, conte di Leicester: José Bros, Giorgio Talbot: Mirco Palazzi, Lord Guglielmo Cecil: Marco Caria, Anna Kennedy: Pervin Chakar
Two queens. Two enemies. Two fates ripe with boundless drama! Maria Stuarda is the most popular work in Gaetano Donizetti's trilogy of bel canto operas on Tudor queens, a trilogy that also includes Anna Bolena and Roberto Deverex. The production of Venice's beautiful Teatro La Fenice, which was gloriously rebuilt after the fire of 1996, shows Queen Mary and her embittered foe Elizabeth both as prisoners of passion for the same man, trapped in a labyrinth that is the central set-element in Italian-based Franco-Tunisian Denis Krief's staging. "To conhujer up ... hatred and jealousy, you don't need a stage setting, just two splendid prima donnas: Sonia Ganassi and Fiorenza Cedolins." (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
Recorded live at the Teatro La Fenice, Venice, 30 April - 3 May 2009.
Production: | C-Major
Runtime: 02:15:04