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英文片名Die Nordsee von oben
中文片名 (2011) 
文件大小 18.65 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 德语 AC3 5.1
字幕 无字幕
原名: Die Nordsee von oben
名称: 俯瞰北海
年份: 2011
类型: 纪录片
导演: Silke Schranz, Christian Wüstenberg
解说: Christian Wüstenberg
       Everything changes with perspective. Our homeland, which we believe to know, is no longer the same from the air: the colors remind of the Caribbean, salt meadows to the Serengeti, every painting is a painting. `The North Sea from Above` is the first German cinema film that shows the North Sea and the world‘s largest coherent wadden landscape exclusively from the bird‘s eye view. The impressive journey leads along the German north coast of Emden in East Frisia over the World Nature Reserve Wattenmeer, the Elbe upstream to Hamburg over the Halligen and islands and ends at the northernmost point of Germany, on Sylt. The extraordinary pictures have been filmed with the world‘s best helicopter camera. This technique has so far only been used for international productions such as `The Earth from above` or `Home`. Interesting stories about the coast, the islands and the people make the film not only worth seeing but also entertaining. The nature documentation makes you want to see the North Sea and shows how unique and protective the Wattenmeer area is, which UNESCO has made a world heritage site. Like the country, so the film!