本站提供 蓝光Blu-ray/HDTV 720P/1080P/2160P/4K 蓝光原盘 电影电视,硬盘代拷贝
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  • 原盘:原始蓝光光盘上拷贝,包含菜单﹑花絮等,电脑上需用ArcSoft TotalMedia Theater或PowerDVD播放才有字幕,高清播放机播放原盘或原盘ISO,请确保你的机子支持后再选,避免发生兼容性问题
  • REMUX:无损的提取出原盘的原始视频数据和音频数据,去除菜单﹑花絮和多余的音轨,封装到TS格式中,可能采用DVD提取的国粤语和其他音轨,画质与原盘没有差别
  • 蓝光RiP:对蓝光Blu-ray等介质的原始视频进行重编码,视频形式采用X264编码,音频采用原片音轨转码的AC3或DTS
  • WEB-DL:来源是各大视频网站,质量要比HDTV好,相比HDTV,无水印,无台标logo,无插播广告,所以无任何剪切较完整。
  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

中文片名漂流 (1964) 
文件大小 22.82 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 匈牙利语 LPCM 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 漂流 / Current
◎片  名 Sodrásban
◎年  代 1964
◎产  地 匈牙利
◎类  别 剧情
◎语  言 匈牙利语
◎上映日期 1964-04-02(匈牙利)
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3419934/
◎片  长 81 分钟
◎导  演 伊斯特凡·加尔 / István Gaál
◎演  员 安德烈娅·德劳霍陶 / Andrea Drahota
      Marianna Moór Marianna Moór
      Albert Almási Albert Almási
      尚多尔·希门福尔维 / Sándor Siménfalvy
      Gyula Szersén Gyula Szersén
      科尔内利娅·绍洛伊 / Kornélia Sallay
      Nándor Pagonyi Nándor Pagonyi
      Tibor Orbán Tibor Orbán
      Ferenc Paláncz Ferenc Paláncz
      玛丽亚·迈泽伊 / Mária Mezei
      安德拉斯·科扎克 / András Kozák
      Lajos Kormos Lajos Kormos
      János Harkányi János Harkányi
      András Ambrus András Ambrus
      Mária Fogarasi Mária Fogarasi
      Sándor Csikós Sándor Csikós
      József Horváth József Horváth
◎编  剧 伊斯特凡·加尔 / István Gaál
◎音  乐 András Szöllösy András Szöllösy
      Girolamo Frescobaldi Girolamo Frescobaldi
◎摄  影 山多尔·萨拉 / Sándor Sára
◎剪  辑 伊斯特凡·加尔 / István Gaál
◎美  术 József Romvári József Romvári
◎服  装 Zsuzsa Vicze Zsuzsa Vicze
◎副  导  演 佐尔坦·哈斯哲里克 / Zoltán Huszárik

◎简  介 

  A hot summer day six young men and two young women meet at the beach beside a deep river. After a while they go for a swim. At a point where the river is 8 meters deep, one of the boys gets the idea of diving to the bottom, and to bring up a handful of clay as a proof of the feat. The others follow his example. Back on dry land one of the girls suddenly wonders where Gabi is. When they figure out that no one has seen him coming up from the river, they get worried. Gabi's clothes are still on the beach, and they start searching for him along the banks and in the water. Finally they have to call the police, who start dragging the river. The corpse isn't found, and the following days Gabi's friends display different reactions to the loss. Some had unsettled matters with him, which now never can be solved. Some have already started to forget his face. At the third day the body is found. Summer is gone, and the circle of friends disbands. Some go to a bigger city for studies, while others ...