作曲家契雷亚的歌剧《阿德里安娜•莱科芙露尔》,一直被评论为具有一种刻骨铭心的美。音乐与剧情交织在一起,让人时时为阿德里亚娜的命运而深深牵挂。 她描绘着自己所扮演的角色的“使命”:一位温和的天使。她极其忠实地体现出角色的特色。然而在帷幕落下之时,她的声音如同微弱的呼吸一样黯然消失。 歌词大意:“我是上帝谦逊的使女,是他给了我语言让我传播他的旨意,我的声音充满了魔力的声音,扮演人间的戏剧,用我这脆弱的工具。温柔或欢愉或残暴都从容扮演,可歌可泣,但我的声音好像一缕飘渺的轻烟将在黎明前逝去”。
Francesco Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur
Year: 2009
Genre: Opera
Music: Francesco Cilea
Libretto: Arturo Colautti, based on the play by Eugène Scribe and Ernest Legouvé, Chorus and Orchestra at the Teatro Regio di Torino
Conductor: Renato Palumbo
Stage Director: Lorenzo Mariani
Video Director: Matteo Ricchetti
Cast and Crew: Adriana Lecouvreur: Micaela Carosi, Maurizio, conte di Sassonia: Marcelo Álvarez, La principessa di Bouillon: Marianne Cornetti, Michonett: Alfonzo Antoniozzi, Il principe di Bouillon: Simone Del Savio, L'abate di Chazeuil: Luca Casalin, Madamigella Jouvenot: Antonella De Chiara, Madamigella Dangeville: Patrizia Porzio, Poisson: Carlo Bosi, Quinault: Diego Matamoros, Un maggiordomo: Giuseppe Milano, Una cameriera: Carola Iannuzzi
An operatic whodunit with gravitas: Francesco Cilea's "Adriana Lecouvreur" It is said even Giuseppe Verdi briefly gave consideration to writing an opera based on this whodunit, when Cilea decided to set the material to music in 1899. The opera's world premiere in Milan in 1902 was a triumph, due in no small measure to a stellar cast of singers that included Enrico Caruso as Maurizio. For a decade the work was performed regularly throughout Europe and America; thereafter it increasingly disappeared from the repertoire. After revisions to the score and plot and the introduction of significant cuts, Adriana Lecouvreur made a successful comeback and established a presence once again on the international stage. The premiere of the definative version took place in Naples in 1930. Since this time the three main roles of Arturo Colautti's libretto have regularly been filled by great artists. In the present stylised production by Lorenzo Mariani, which features reduced décor but magnificent rococo costumes, the "violet-perfumed murderess" is taken by mezzo-soprano Marianne Cornetti, one of the most in-demand representatives of her vocal category. Opposite her, in the role of Adriana, is a soprano who as a Verdi and verismo specialist also appears regularly at all the major international opera houses, Micaela Carosi. The "cock-of-the-walk" role is sung by the world-class tenor Marcelo Álvarez. His timbre, velvety smooth yet robustly virile, is ideally suited to a vocal characterisation of the idolised Maurizio. Conductor Renato Palumbo is very much at home with Cilea's operatic masterpiece, since the Italian Romantic and verismo periods are at the core of his extensive repertoire. [Amazon UK]
Recorded live at the Teatro Regio di Torino, 2009.
Production: Germany | Arthaus Musik
Runtime: 02:31:34