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英文片名 | Category 7: The End of the World | |
中文片名 | 地球湮没之惊涛大历险 (2005) | |
类型 | 动作, 惊悚 | |
地区 | 德国,美国 | |
文件大小 | 19.11 GB, 蓝光 REMUX 1080p | |
文件格式 | TS/MPEG2 | |
音轨 | 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 | |
字幕 | 简繁 | |
IMDB评分 | 4.5 | |
![]() 【类 型】: 迷你剧/灾难/动作 地球变暖引发的罕见的飓风席卷全球,随之而来的便是惊天大海啸和特大冰雹灾害:艾菲尔铁塔摇摇欲坠,埃及大金字塔土崩瓦解,纽约自然博物馆被浓雾吞噬,美国白宫瞬间崩塌,死伤无数,整个地球瞬间变为人间炼狱科学家罗斯教授组织发起了一支风暴敢死队,他们用生命去争取人类的最后一线生机。而此时恐怖分子的袭击让整个局面更加混乱不堪。就在此时,飓风突然以不可挡之势迅速上升为历史上罕见的特大风暴,难道这真的是世界末日了吗?敢死队将如何拯救地球,人类将如何幸存…… 《后天》原版特效联手出击!末日危机生死一线,海啸飓风夺魄惊心! 《惊涛大冒险》中的洪水,变成了滔天巨浪;《龙卷风》中强大飓风,掀起汽车和房屋;《后天》中柚子般大小的冰雹接踵而来……影片在同一时间,把无数旷世灾难统统砸向人间…… 影片超眩的特效强力打造有史以来电影中最惊心动魄的灾难,最震撼人心的特效,该片融合了《龙卷风》、《天地大冲撞》等灾难的视觉奇观。 All across the globe, an unprecedented Category 6 storm descends with greater force than could have ever been imagined. The Eiffel Tower is shredded by violent winds-the Great Pyramids reduced to piles of rubble as twisting, black funnels snake across the desert. For years scientists have been expounding theories-and warnings-of global warming trends. Now these warnings are coming true with a frightening ferocity. But though it may have created regions of volatile and extreme weather, global warming isn't what triggered the terrible tempest. The cause is unknown. As various regions of the Earth succumb to the increasingly powerful super storm, beautiful but discredited scientist Faith Clavell teams up with storm chaser Tommy Tornado and head of FEMA Judith Carr to determine the trigger and eliminate it-and that means infiltrating the storm itself. Compounding the chaos, a terrorist organization is threatening to make the situation worse. Now, it's not only man against nature, but man against man as the newly-intensified Category 7 approaches-and possibly, the end of the world. |