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英文片名 | Cars Toon: Mater's Tall Tales | |
中文片名 | 汽车闯天关:拖线狂想曲 (2008) | |
类型 | 动画 | |
地区 | 美国 | |
文件大小 | 3.00 GB, 蓝光 RiP 720p | |
文件格式 | MKV/x264 | |
音轨 | 英语 DTS 5.1 | |
字幕 | 简繁 | |
IMDB评分 | 7.3 | |
![]() 让人喜爱的拖线先生 将在剧中无厘头精采登场! 拖线来说故事啰!他说的故事不但精采,更让你分不清是真的还是吹牛: 一下说自己是特技天王;一下说是西班牙有名的斗牛士;又说他以前是超级大侦探;还曾经在东京甩尾…每个人都听的雾煞煞,到底是他瞎编的?还是真有其事?哈!你永远不会知道! 皮克斯动画团队继【汽车总动员】之后,再度发挥创意巧思,制作一系列【Cars闯天关】短篇作品,让拖线带大家畅游天马行空的汽车世界!本片共收录九段精彩绝伦的影片,其中还包括两段从未曝光的新作品,让我们一同进入拖线的奇想世界中,看他如何帮我们大家实现梦想! 短片名: 1.拖线特技秀 2.异想世界: 拖线 3.勇者无敌: 拖线 4.拖线外星奇遇记 5.拖线斗阵西班牙 6.太空英雄: 拖线 NEW 7.重金属摇滚拖线 8.神探拖线 NEW 9.拖线东京游 特别收录 special *摄影棚故事: 麦坤没有手 *皮克斯之路: 构图 *细说拖线 *【汽车总动员】游乐设施精采预告 *制作【Cars闯天关:拖线狂想曲】 *不曾说出的故事 *【神探拖线】私藏秘密预告片 *静态画稿 NEW! Never Before Seen 1. Moon Mater Mater is the first Tow Truck on the moon. His mission: Rescue the Impala XIII by giving him a tow and bringing him back to Earth. Lightning McQueen joins Mater and they are met with a hero's welcome. NEW! Never Before Seen 2. Mater Private Eye Mater is a private investigator working on a case of counterfeit tires when Tia rolls back into his life. She hires Mater to find her sister, Mia, who's been car-napped. Mater searches for clues and closes in on a major crime scene. Lieutenant Lightning McQueen arrives just in time to help bring the criminals to justice. 3. Monster Truck Mater Mater is a professional wrestler who works his way up the ranks from amateur to World Champion Monster Truck Wrestler, wrestling all kinds of characters along the way. When faced with his biggest opponent yet, Mater tags in his "tag team partner," Frightening McMean. 4. Heavy Metal Mater Mater is a rock star in a heavy metal band. He starts out in a garage band and rises to the top with his hit song "Dad Gum." Lightning McQueen joins him on stage in the middle of a huge concert and they rock into history. 5. Rescue Squad Mater Mater is a fire truck that rescues Lightning McQueen from a burning building. When McQueen is rushed to the hospital, he discovers that Mater is a doctor, too. 6. Mater the Greater Mater is a famous daredevil who does all kinds of stunts. And Lightning McQueen becomes an unwilling participant in Mater's greatest stunt ever. 7. El Materdor Mater is a famous bulldozer fighter in Spain. He's so good, he's able to fend off multiple bulldozers at once. Lightning McQueen joins Mater in this Tall Tale just as things are at their worst. 8. Unidentified Flying Mater Mater meets a cute little bucktoothed UFO named Mator, takes him out for a night of fun and they quickly become best friends. But when Mator is captured by the military, Mater and Lightning McQueen come to the rescue. 9. Tokyo Mater A routine towing assignment lands Mater in Tokyo where he is challenged to a drift-style race against a nefarious gang leader and his posse of ninjas. With the help of his friend, "Dragon" Lightning McQueen, and some special modifications, Mater attempts to drift to victory and become "Tow-ke-O Mater, King of all Drifters." BONUS FEATURES: Unmade Tales |