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  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

英文片名Booka Shade: Galvany Street
中文片名蓝光纯音乐 (2017) 
文件大小 4.48 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 Dolby Atmos/TrueHD 7.1
字幕 无字幕

Beginning of 2017 Booka Shade released the most challenging album of their career, Galvany Street (BFMB 033CD/DLX-CD/LP). Not only did it take much longer than any of their previous albums to complete, it also meant the most radical shift in musical direction. Arno Kammermeier on the record: "Galvany Street is the album we wanted to write for a long time. The collaboration with Craig Walker brings in the perfect kind of vocals to complete the music." As a result, Galvany Street marks the most important Booka Shade album since the release of their milestone album Movements (2006). The album feature Craig Walker, Daniel Spencer, Yates, and Urdur. A new level of production quality meets a cutting-edge mix of '80s and '90s pop references and modern beats and sounds. In the past couple of months Fritz Hilpert, a friend of the band and member of legendary electronic pioneers Kraftwerk, who just won the Grammy 2018 for "Best Dance/Electronic Album", started to work on Dolby Atmos mixes of the album, which take the songs quite literally to a new sonic dimension. Dolby Atmos is a relatively new audio format for creating and playing back multichannel movie soundtracks. It was developed to give movie sound a more three-dimensional effect. All album tracks, plus the bonus track "Just Like Tonight", are presented in this unique 3D experience on Pure Audio BluRay, accompanied by Headphone Surround 3D mixes for headphones and super high quality stereo files in 24bit/48 kHz. The disc is compatible with all BluRay players.

01. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - Digging A Hole
02. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - Numb The Pain
03. Booka Shade - Magnolia
04. Booka Shade With Daniel Spencer - Broken Skin
05. Booka Shade With Yates - Peak
06. Booka Shade With Craig Walker & Urdur* - Babylon
07. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - Eyes Open
08. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - Loneliest Boy
09. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - All Falls Down
10. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - All Of This And Nothing
Bonus Track
11. Booka Shade With Craig Walker - Just Like Tonight (Extended Version)