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英文片名Benjamin Britten: Death in Venice
中文片名歌剧:魂断威尼斯 (2008) 
文件大小 22.59 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 意大利语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

Title: Benjamin Britten's "Death in Venice"
Original title: Benjamin Britten: Death in Venice
Released: 2008
Genre: Opera
Directed by: Pier Luigi Pizzi, Davide Mancini
Conductor: Bruno Bartoletti
Cast: Marlin Miller (Gustav von Aschenbach), R.-François Bitar (Voice of Apollo), Scott Hendricks (Traveller and other roles), Alessandro Riga (Tadzio), Danilo Palmieri (Jaschiu), Sabrina Vianello (Strawberry seller and other roles), Liesbeth Devos (Lace seller and other roles), Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro La Fenice


Apollinian appreciation of beauty leads to a sensuous response and to the Dionysiac abyss in Britten's last opera, the summation of his work. "Aschenbah is destroyed physically by the plague, spiritually by an infatuation for the boy Tadzio that is ultimately a betrayal of his lifelong devotion to an ordered beauty, free from the excesses of unbridled passion" (Peter Evans).

Issued: United States | Dynamic
Duration: 2:35:22