The latest addition to Euroarts’ Blu-ray catalog is a Spanish flavored concert that was recorded live at the Salzburger Festspiele in Salzburg, Austria on August 9, 2007. For nearly two hours, famous Spanish tenor Placido Domingo, lovely soprano Ana Maria Martinez, and the Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg, led by Maestro Jesus Lopez Cobos, delighted the audience with a colorful selection of vocal treats.
The original plan was to have two tenors, but Placido Domingo’s younger colleague, Rolando Villazon, was unable to commit. As a result, the Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg and Meastro Cobos were forced to fill the gap with a few purely instrumental works.
Nonetheless, the concert was dedicated to the zarzuela - a Spanish popular genre blending spoken dialog with dramatic operatic singing that flourished during the 17th century. The program included selected zarzuelas from the works of Federico Torroba, Pablo Luna, Reveriano Soutullo, Jose Serraon, Manuel Penella, Pablo Sorozabal, Ruperto Chapi, and Ernesto Lecuon, as well as orchestral works by Federico Chueca, Manuel de Falla, and Geronimo Gimenez.
Placido Domingo and Ana Maria Martinez performed a number of well known solo arias (La tabernera del puerto: En un pais de fibula; La tabernera del puerto: No puede ser; El nino judio: De Espana vengo; ) as well as fantastic duets (Luisa Fernanda: Callate, corazon!; Don Gil de Alcala: Habanera Duet: Todas las mananitas; Luisa Fernanda: En mi tierra extremea,) that evoked the spirit of an era that nowadays can only be experienced through music. As expected, on the stage, they were unusually playful and encouraging the audience to share their enthusiasm.
This being said, what truly separates Amor, vida de mi vida from similar live events is its atmosphere. So often we see classical concerts where the audience is either not given a chance to respond to the performance or simply unwilling to recognize the efforts of the musicians/singers. This certainly isn't the case with this terrific concert that culminated with standing ovations, four encores, and a representative of the local government awarding Placido Domingo with the City of Salzburg's prestigious Gold Medal.
Track List:
1. El bateo: Preludio
Composed by: Federico Chueca
Conducted by: Jesus Lopez-Cobos
Performed by: Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra
2. La maravilla: Amor, vida de mi vida
Composed by: Federico Torroba
Sung by: Placido Domingo
3. El nino judio: De Espana vengo
Composed by: Pablo Luna
Sung by: Ana Maria Martinez
4. La chulapona: Tienes razon, amigo
Composed by: Federico Torroba
Sung by: Placido Domingo
5. La marchenera: La Petenera: La Petenera: Tres horas antes del dia
Composed by: Federico Torroba
Sung by: Ana Maria Martinez, soprano
6. El amor brujo: Danza ritual del fuego
Composed by: Manuel de Falla
Conducted by: Jesus Lopez-Cobos
Performed by: Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra
7. Luisa Fernanda: Callate, corazon!
Composed by: Federico Torroba
Sung by: Placido Domingo and Ana Maria Martinez
8. Los claveles: Romanza: Que te importa que no venga?
Composed by: Jose Serrano
Sung by: Ana Maria Martinez
9. La del Soto del Parral: Quiero desterrar de tu pecho el temor
Composed by: Reveriano Soutullo
Sung by: Placido Domingo
10. La boda de Luis Alonso: Interludio
Composed by: Geronimo Gimenez
Conducted by: Jesus Lopez-Cobos
Performed by: Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra
11. Don Gil de Alcala: Habanera Duet: Todas las mananitas
Composed by: Manuel Penella
Sung by: Placido Domingo and Ana Maria Martinez
12. La tabernera del puerto: En un pais de fabula
Composed by: Pablo Sorozabal
Sung by: Ana Maria Martinez
13. Luisa Fernanda: Luche la fe por el triunfo
Composed by: Federico Torroba
Sung by: Placido Domingo
14. El sombrero de tres picos: Jota
Composed by: Manuel de Falla
Conducted by: Jesus Lopez-Cobos
Performed by: Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra
15. La cancion del olvido: Junto al puente de la pena
Composed by: Jose Serrano
Sung by: Placido Domingo
16. Las hijas de Zebedeo: Las carceleras: Al pensar en el dueno de mis amores
Composed by: Ruperto Chapi
Sung by: Ana Maria Martinez
17. Luisa Fernanda: En mi tierra extremena
Composed by: Federico Torroba
Sung by: Placido Domingo and Ana Maria Martinez
18. La tabernera del puerto: No puede ser
Composed by: Pablo Sorozabal
Sung by: Placido Domingo
19. Maria la O: Mulata infeliz, tu vida acabo
Composed by: Ernesto Lecuona
Sung by: Ana Maria Martinez
20. El gato montes: Solea! Me llamabas, Rafaeliyo?
Composed by: Manuel Penella
Sung by: Placido Domingo and Ana Maria Martinez
21. Die lustige Witwe: Act III: Duet: Lippen schweigen
Composed by: Franz Lehar
Sung by: Placido Domingo and Ana Maria Martinez