Franco Alfano: Cyrano de Bergerac
Year: 2007
Genre: Opera
Director: Tiziano Mancini
Conductor: Patrick Fournillier
Cast and crew:
Cyrano (Plácido Domingo), Roxane (Sondra Radvanovsky), Christian (Arturo Chacón Cruz), De Guiche (Rod Giltry), Ragueneau (Corrado Carmelo Caruso), De Valvert (Roberto Accurso), Carbon (Javier Franco), La Duègne / Sister Marthe (Itxaro Mentxaka), Le Bret (Nahuel di Pierro)
The story of Edmond Rostand's epic romantic drama Cyrano de Bergerac (1897) should be known to most audiences from the various film versions that have been made - some of them even predating Alfano's 1937 opera - the most notable being Gérard Depardieu's performance as the long-nosed poet in Jean-Paul Rappeneau's popular French film from 1990, but it may also be known to more through Steve Martin's modern updating of the role in Roxane. The story however is essentially the same, that of a man with an exceedingly large nose that disfigures his face, who believes that he is ugly and unworthy of the love of his beautiful cousin Roxane. Working closely to Rostand's original text, Rappeneau's film captured all the comedy, wit, romance and tragedy of the situation, retaining the verse format of the original, and did it so well that it's impossible for anyone who knows and loves the film version not to measure up Franco Alfano's opera against it. It has to be said that the opera compares very favourably, working so naturally that one wonders why it isn't better known and more frequently performed. [Amazon UK - custom review]
Filmed at the Palau de les Arts 'Reina Sofía', Valencia, 8, 11 & 18 February 2007.
Production: US | Naxos
Runtime: 02:21:29
《大鼻子情圣》叙述一位技艺超群,才华洋溢的剑客西拉诺,爱上表妹罗珊,但是他那奇大无比的鼻子却使他一直不敢向她表白。虽然西拉诺最终无法抱得美人归,但是饶富趣味的剧情,还有西拉诺一篇篇文情并茂的情书,则是本剧最引人入胜之处。《大鼻子情圣》是歌剧作曲家阿尔法诺最著名的作品。他是意大利歌剧巨匠普契尼的学生,也是他的好友。虽然阿尔法诺(1875-1954)的歌剧作曲生涯漫长而多产,但让他声名远播的是他根据普契尼的草稿而完成的《杜兰朵》。他早期的作品都带有普契尼的“真实主义”的影子,后期的作品,包括《大鼻子情圣》,都显然受了德彪西、拉威尔和施特劳斯的启发。 西拉诺由多明戈主演,这是多明戈演艺生涯中的第121个角色。他说:“这是个好角色,我很高兴能够在创作的晚期发现它”。今天的观众有幸能观看弗朗克·阿尔法诺的那部几乎被遗忘的歌剧《大真子情7圣》,一定程度上要归功于一个人,在过去的半个多世纪中,他都致力于歌剧事业。他便是著名男高音歌唱家普拉西多·多明戈在旧金山歌剧院举行的新闻招待会上,多明戈解释说,许多年前,他曾听过黎柯笛(Ricordi)公司出品的该剧钢琴改编版。尽管钢琴版对歌剧的主旋律进行了简单的缩略、凝练,但多明戈当时就立即被其恢宏魅力所深深吸引。在之后的数年中,多明戈到处奔走,撒播知识与爱,为这部很少上演的歌剧宣传造势,并且在科文特花园、瓦伦西亚、大都会歌剧院等诸多歌剧院演出该剧,出演剧中男主角大鼻子情圣。