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英文片名A MusiCares Tribute to Carole King
中文片名演唱会 (2014) 
文件大小 22.21 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

Title: A MusiCares Tribute to Carole King
Released: 2014
Genre: Pop, Stage & Screen


On January 24, 2014, Carole King was honored as the 2014 MusiCares Person of the Year. At a gala event in Los Angeles, Carole and a cast of superstar guests performed some of the quintessential songs from her renowned and celebrated career.

Proceeds from the sale of this product will provide essential support for MusiCares, which ensures that music professionals have a place to turn in times of financial, medical and personal need.

01. "Hi-De-Ho (That Old Sweet Roll)" - LeAnn Rimes and Steven Tyler
02. "So Far Away" - P! Nk and Paul Mirkovich
03. "I Feel The Earth Move" - ​​Train
04. "You've Got A Friend" - Lady Gaga
05. "It's Too Late" - Gloria Estefan
06. "Love Makes The World" / "Where Is The Love?" - Will.i.amand Leah McFall
07. "Beautiful" - Sara Bareilles, Zac Brown, Jason Mraz, and Raining Jane
08. "Way Over Yonder" - Merry Clayton, Lisa Fischer, Judith Hill, and Darlene Love
09. "Where You Lead" - Jesse & Joy
10. "Crying In The Rain" - Miguel and Kacey Musgraves
11. "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" - Alicia Keys
12. "Been To Canaan" - Jennifer Nettles
13. "I'm Into Something Good" - Amy Grant
14. "It Might As Well Rain Until September" - Miranda Lambert
15. "One Fine Day" - Martina McBride
16. "Up On The Roof" - James Taylor
17. "Home Again" - Carole King, Moez Dawad and Ahmad A. El Haggar
18. "Sweet Seasons" - Carole King and James Taylor
19. "Hey Girl" - Carole King and James Taylor
20. "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" - Carole King and James Taylor
21. "Jazzman" - Carole King and Tom Scott
22. "I Feel The Earth Move" - ​​Carole King, Various

Issued: United States | Shout Factory
Duration: 1:39:03