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  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

英文片名30 for 30
中文片名ESPN 30 for 30 (2009) 第二季
类型纪录, 传记, 历史, 运动
文件大小 438.63 GB, 蓝光原盘 720p
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 英文

ESPN Films' 30 for 30 is an unprecedented documentary series featuring today's finest storytellers from inside and outside of the sports world. What started as a celebration of ESPN's 30th anniversary has come to life as an eclectic and fascinating collection of passionate films about sports and culture. Individually, each of the films in this series is meant to tell an intimate, compelling story that stands on its own and brings to life the filmmaker's vision. Collectively, however, these creatively different films weave together a diverse tapestry of what sports has meant to culture. Ultimately, 30 For 30 strives to sit the viewer down and tell a story, employing many sources but giving a distinctive point of view, marshaling words and images to serve that particular perspective. In a sports universe of competing voices, these films offer a single, compelling one.

The 30 episodes in this collection are as follows:
1. Broke
2.  9.79*
3.  There’s No Place Like Home
4.  Benji
5.  Ghosts of Ole Miss
6.  You Don’t Know Bo
7.  Survive and Advance
8.  Elway to Marino
9.  Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau
10.  Free Spirits
11.  No Más
12. Big Shot
13. This Is What They Want
14. Bernie and Ernie
15. Youngstown Boys
16. The Price of Gold
17. Requiem for the Big East
18. Bad Boys
19. Slaying the Badger
20. Playing for the Mob
21. The Day The Series Stopped
22. When the Garden was Eden
23. Brian and the Boz
24. Brothers in Exile
25. Rand University
26. The U Part 2
27. Of Miracles and Men
28. I Hate Christian Laettner
29. Sole Man
30. Angry Sky